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Blue Sapphire (Neelam Stone)

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5 Strong Gemstones to Improve Your Wealth Luck


In a post-covid era, the fear of a financial crisis lies just around the corner. Pursuing new opportunities can be very risky. Being ‘broke’ just sounds good on social media but it’s not a state you want to be in, in real life. How do you get out of this negative cycle of low fortune and hard luck?

Fortunately, achieving financial wealth is not a pipe dream anymore. The Law of Attraction manifests everything you desire although negative energies can block these desires from coming to you.

Believe it or not, you can get the wealth and success you desire by simply introducing Vedic Gemstones into your life.

These 5 Vedic Gemstones radiate powerful energy that will attract wealth, luck, and prosperity right to you!


The ‘Stone of Prosperity’ should be number one on your list when looking for financial success. The world’s richest pharaoh ever – Cleopatra herself favoured Emeralds above all other gems. Going for property dealings with a Panna (Emerald) on yourself will yield a favourable outcome. It is also known to increase cash flow and increase wealth vitality and growth.

Buy Authentic Emeralds Here

Blue Sapphire

The resplendent Blue Sapphire can exponentially multiply good fortune. It was strictly worn by the royals during the Middle Ages to keep the buri nazar or the ‘evil eye’ away from themselves. It promotes numerous sources of income and boosts personal finances. The Blue Sapphire draws the wealth of health, success, and fame to its wearer. Gifts, blessings, and abundance truly follow the path of this stone.

Buy Authentic Blue Sapphire Here

Yellow Sapphire

Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of excess and abundance, the Yellow Sapphire is a symbol of wealth and success. This gemstone has the ability to ward off unexpected dangers and protects the wearer from harmful conspiracies. Yellow Sapphire bestows wisdom and blossoms positive relationships that bring prosperity, stability, and success in business.

Buy Authentic Yellow Sapphire Here

Green Onyx

Youthful vigour and good fortune are brought by the presence of the Green Onyx. Legend has it that the Onyx was created when a piece of the Roman Goddess Venus’s nail fell on Earth. It contains an essence of divine energy. Going through hard times? The Green Onyx is the perfect instrument to pull material wealth and success. This gemstone vitalizes professional bonds, brings life into struggling businesses, and drives the growth of wealth.

Buy Authentic Green Onyx Here

Red Coral

Increasing your potential to overcome financial difficulties is one of the greatest powers of the Red Coral. A driver of ambition, this gemstone fuels its wearer to seek and attract lucrative opportunities. Named the ‘Mar’s Stone’ over Roman god of war and strategy, the Red Coral energizes the wearer to achieve victory in their endeavours. It also enhances administration qualities and improves money managing skills.

Buy Authentic Red Coral Here

Wealth Obstructing Problems That Vedic Gemstones Can Lift You From:

  • Poor Earnings and Financial Income
  • Loss in Financial Dealings
  • Bad Property Deals
  • Low Wealth
  • Lack of Savings
  • Dying Business
  • Too Much-Unexpected Expenditure
  • Bad Credit
  • Huge Debts
  • Business Loss
  • Bankruptcy

Gaining true prosperity is all about streamlining your energies toward your goal. Eliminate the obstacles to your financial success. With the help of the unique properties of these Vedic Gemstones, you’ll the push you need to get started. From making sound money-saving decisions to improving your financial health, these stones provide them all. If you don’t believe us, why don’t give them a try?

Get Free Gemstone Consultation Here

About The Author

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Manish Jain (Articles: 109)

Mr. Manish Jain, is Chief Certified Gemologist (DG, GG, Graduate Pearl by GIA) at MyRatna. He is running a heritage of 60 years and he himself has a vast experience and serves huge loyal customer base across the globe. As a certified gemologist he has a great knowledge of gems and helps in giving resolution to current questions/problems and in achieving the desired effects by wearing the right Gemstone/ Rudraksha to his clients.
Certified Chief Gemologist Mr. Manish Jain (DG, GG, Graduate Pearl by GIA)

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