" Amethyst (Katela/Jamunia) "
Amethyst gemstone is a popular and relatively rare form of quartz. It’s a fairly hard gem and can be found within geodes all across the globe. Amethyst offers various astrological benefits and is associated with planet Saturn symbolic of ‘Justice’ and ‘Humility’.
Sri-Lanka, Thailand, Burma, India, Brazil, Australia, USA, Madagascar are top production sites of Amethyst around the world.
· The gemstone for the 6th anniversary of marriage.
· Saint Valentine was thought to wear a ring set with an antique Amethyst carved with an image of Cupid
· The name amethyst derives from the ancient Greek word ‘amethustos’, meaning sober. It was said that an amethyst could prevent the bearer from becoming excessively drunk and also instills a sober and serious mind. It was believed that if a person drank from a cup or goblet made entirely of amethyst, he or she would not get drunk at all.
· They are also believed to help people who suffer from a faulty memory.
· Amethysts also help those who are prone to depression and an overall melancholy feeling.
· Amethyst is believed to inspire courage, calm, and contemplation. In fact, Egyptian soldiers would wear amethyst in battle in order to retain their courage.
· Amethyst produces small but detectable of magnetic fields. While high levels of magnetic fields are dangerous (particularly from electronics), the naturally-occurring magnetic fields from amethyst may actually produce favorable results in the body. Since the human body has its own magnetic field, proponents believe that amethyst interacts and exchanges energy with the body.
· It assists in Cell-Growth Promotion: Far-Infrared radiation is known to promote cell-growth and cell-regeneration.Scientific studies have shown that by increasing the infrared radiation level in your body,you will have more energy to grow & regrow cells in your Body.
The benefit of far-infrared radiation is that its wavelengths are very long,but enough to provide them with life-giving energy.
· Amethyst Mainly Work for Saturn Planet and also
believed to be a conqueror of all bad habits which calls for crossing limits to arrive at extremities of the wrong end.
· It is a gemstone that helps in meditating and enhancing the meditative quality. Directly impacting the crown chakra this is the Gemstone of higher knowledge, values and ideals. It gives power to meditate and focus for Long Lengths of Time.
“People who have a strong Saturn in their horoscope can extract the maximum benefit of the auspicious positioning using Amethyst. It helps the wearer gain a mature disposition, great decision making skills and achieve professional success.”
· If placed beneath a pillow or worn to bed, it supposedly drives off insomnia and nightmares.
· The Hebrew word for amethyst is “ahlamah,” meaning “dream;” the stone was said to cause dreams and visions… and if you dream of amethyst, you will be free from harm.
· It wards off guilt and self deception, curbs overindulgence, and bestows good judgment.
“The virtues of amethyst include beauty, calm, fulfillment, humility, a loving demeanor, perfection, piety, sincerity, spiritual balance, tranquility and wisdom.”
· It is also one of the few stones specifically prescribed for men to use for attracting women. It supposedly draws “good women” to love him.
Caring for your Amethyst Jewelry
Sunlight and exposure to heat causes the color of amethysts to deteriorate.
· Avoid any contact with chemicals such as household cleaners or hairspray.
· To clean, use a soft toothbrush or cloth and a solution of mild dish soap and warm water to gently scrub the stone.
· You may also clean it with an at-home ultrasonic unit.