" Moonstone "
· Gaudanti/chandrakant(hindi)
· salaykat al'almaniuwm(Arabic)
· Candramaṇi(Bangla)
· pierre de lune(French)
· Candrapat'thara(Gujarati)
· Spathí(Greek)
Moonstone is a mesmerizing gemstone and a member of the orthoclase feldspar mineral family. It is a combination of potassium aluminum silicate. The stones have a dreamy iridescence and crystal structure that shimmers when the light hits them.
The gemstone comes in a variety of colors--white, gray, peach, pink, yellow, blue and green. Some types are completely transparent and others are colorless. Rainbow moonstone, which is an iridescent white or gray with a blue sheen in the light, is the most popular type. The higher quality moonstones have a high degree of shimmer.
Moonstone is whitish, gray-white, silvery-white, or milky white with a soft blue shimmer that moves across its face as the stone is moved. This blue moving light is called adularescence. The more shimmer the stone has, the more valuable it is. If the shimmer is of other colors besides blue, the stone is called a "rainbow moonstone."
Ceylon, India, Brazil, Australia, Mexico and Madagascar are the top production sites of moonstone in the world.
· Moonstone is associated with 3rd anniversary of marriage.
· The most popular blue moonstone is mined in Bihar, located in the center of India.
· Supposedly if one puts a moonstone in his mouth under the light of a full moon, it will foretell whether the owner's love life will be happy or unhappy. In ancient times, it was supposed to arouse tender passions in lovers and give them the power to read the future
“To be effective as a means of determining one’s personal future, it had to be placed in the mouth when the moon was full.”
· A moonstone placed beneath the pillow worn while sleeping was thought to induce dreams of the future and a dream about moonstone has been said to indicate that danger is lurking ahead.
· The stone is regarded as a great gift for lovers as it supposedly arouses love and passion.
“The moonstone is also believed to offer the owner great fortune.”
· The ancient Romans and Greeks believed the moonstone was created from bits of the actual moon. They saw the moonstone as having revitalizing and deeply transformative healing properties.
· Increasing confidence and the willingness to take action
· It was once believed that two people could fall passionately in love if they saw each other during a full moon while one of them was wearing a moonstone.
· In ancient Asia, they believed the gem was a solid ray of moonlight filled with good spirits.
· Moonstone is connected to water just as the moon affects the tide. The gem has water energy and an affinity with the astrological water signs.
· Connects 2nd and 6th Chakra and the pineal gland to balance emotions
· Moonstone treats fertility problems, PMS, and other female related ailments.
· Moonstone is a women’s gemstone that enhances their hormonal balance and energy with yang. It regulates the menstrual disorders and relieves pain during child birth.
· Due to its excellent healing properties, it helps to cure the diseases related to spleen, pancreas, stomach, and liver. It improves the digestive system and hormonal growth. Also it aids the digestive system by removing the toxins from blood.
· Moonstone has always been associated with love and magic. It brings true love in the life of wearer.
· Moonstone is sometimes used in dream pillows. You can also place the stone under your regular pillow to ensure a restful night's sleep.
· Moonstone is usually carved into a cabochon which allows the crystalline structures within the stone to catch the light and give its pleasing and romantic glow
To maintain the brilliance you fell in love with, you must protect, clean, charge, and store the gem properly so you’ll be able to enjoy its beauty and wisdom for many years to come. Here’s how:
When cleaning the house, lifting heavy items, or participating in strenuous activities, it is best to remove your Moonstone jewelry as it may be exposed to housecleaning products and high heat that may cause scratches and breaks.
If you’re not wearing it, store your Moonstone in a felt-lined jewelry box with many compartments to keep your jewelry from rubbing against one another.
Wrap each piece in soft cloth or felt and if your Moonstone jewelry has shown visible scratches, ask your jeweler for a repolish to bring back its luster.
Physical Cleaning
Take note that ultrasonic and steam cleaners cannot be used for Moonstone. What you may use though is warm soapy water for cleaning. Or you may opt for a gentle, non-acid based jewelry cleaner or several drops of dish detergent mixed with water. First off, soak your Moonstone in the cleaning solution for 2 to 5 minutes. Then, gently remove the stone and dry with a soft cloth.
Vibration Cleansing
This method is used to remove the negative vibrations absorbed by Moonstone. If there’s a nearby stream or ocean, you may first wash your Moonstone jewelry under the running water, so it can not only be cleansed, but also be charged with the energy of the natural water at the same time. If there’s no available resources, then tap water will do.
Another way is by cleansing the Moonstone gem in salt water as salt has always been a purifier. What you can do is leave your Moonstone overnight, submerged in a glass bowl that’s half full with salt water. After soaking the gem, rinse it in cool running water to remove the excess salt. Be sure to dispose the salt water so it won't get used again as it will have absorbed the negative vibrations of the gem.
You may also smudge your Moonstone gem if you don’t wanna use salt. This can be done by burning a smudge stick or using an incense. Hold your Moonstone in the smoke for 30 seconds to a minute to remove any stored energies. Sandalwood, sage, and sweet grass are the favorites. They’re best at releasing elements into the air that remove negative energy. You might also wanna put a small dish of salt next to you, so it can absorb the negative energy being freed from the gem.
Once you’ve cleansed your Moonstone jewelry, it is now time to empower it with fresh energy. Start charging it one night before the full moon. Simply leave the gem outside under the moonlight and let the moon do its work. You might also wanna set your intention and say a few words to the moon by holding it in your hand and saying “Only positive, high vibrational energy may flow through this stone.”
Or you may hold your Moonstone jewelry to your 3rd Eye Chakra and declare your purpose: “I charge this moonstone for clarity/renewal/healing/love/guidance …” or whatever you wish. After the third night, your Moonstone gem is ready to be worn again, gleaming as always.
High heat or sudden temperature change can cause breaks in moonstone. It is stable to light but is harmed by exposure to acid.
Warm soapy water is the only recommended substance for cleaning moonstones. Ultrasonic and steam cleaners are never recommended.
“Moonstone is a soft stone, it is fragile and can be easily scratched. Moonstone must be handled with care. The best way to clean it is to rub it lightly with a soft polishing cloth.”