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As Per Rashi Which Stone to Wear in Which Finger


Wearing gemstones on the correct finger can benefits good luck and positive energy. In astrology gemstones are selected based on persons Rashi (zodiac sign) and Nakshatra (birth star). The Moon’s position at birth chart helps to decide correct gemstone for you. Each gemstone is connected to a planet and wearing the right stone in the right finger gives the best results.

What is Rashi and Why is it Important?

You may know that gemstones bring luck, health and success. But have you ever thought about why you should wear them on a specific finger?

According to indian astrology our hands have special connection with planets. The size, shape and lines on our palms show our past, present and future. Each finger represents a different planet, If you wear the wrong stone on the wrong finger. it may not work as you want or is can give bad effects. This is why knowing which stone to wear in which finger is very important for getting the best results. That’s why it is very important to take 1 to 1 consultation with astrologer before wearing any gemstone. Many people do not know how to choose the right stone or finger and in the last they end up wearing wrong stone. If you are unsure always check as per rashi which stone to wear in which finger to avoid negative effects and get the most benefits.

How to Choose the Right Rashi Stone?

Choosing the right rashi stone is very important because each gemstone is connected to a planet and wearing the wrong one can give bad results. To find the best stone for you, astrologers check your birth chart, In Vedic astrology, your Moon Sign (rashi) is determined by the zodiac sign where the Moon is placed at the time of your birth. The zodiac signs are numbered from Aries (1) to Pisces (12). For example, if the Moon is in the 4th rashi, it means it is in Cancer, regardless of which house it is placed in. So, if your birth chart shows the Moon positioned in the 4th zodiac sign, your rashi is Cancer (karka rashi). Each rashi has a lucky gemstone that matches its energy. For example, Ruby is good for people with strong Sun energy, while Emerald works well for those ruled by Mercury. Once you find your lucky stone, wearing it on the correct finger and right metal will help you get the best benefits. Always make sure the gemstone is natural and pure, as fake stones do not have any energy. If you are unsure which stone should you wear, an astrologer can guide you based on your birth chart.

Gemstones are very powerful in astrology. People wear gemstones to bring luck, health, success and happiness. Every zodiac sign (rashi) has a lucky stone. But wearing the right stone on the right finger is very important.

Each finger has its own energy. When we wear a gemstone on a particular finger, it connects with the right planet and gives better results. Let’s understand which gemstone suits which rashi and which stone to wear in which finger.

Red Coral (Moonga)

  • Zodiac Sign: Aries (Mesh Rashi), Scorpio (Vrischik Rashi)
  • Planet: Mars (Mangal)
  • Best Finger: Ring finger of the right hand / Working hand
  • Metal: Gold or Copper
  • Day to Wear: Tuesday
  • Benefits: Why Wear It? Red Coral gives courage, strength and protection from enemies. It helps in career, health and confidence. This stone also improves physical energy and helps people recover from low motivation and fear. It is beneficial for those facing challenges in business, competition, or leadership roles.

Emerald (Panna)

  • Zodiac Sign: Gemini (Mithun Rashi), Virgo (Kanya Rashi)
  • Planet: Mercury (Budh)
  • Best Finger: Little finger of the right hand / Working hand
  • Metal: Gold or Silver
  • Day to Wear: Wednesday
  • Benefits: Why Wear It? Emerald improves intelligence, communication and business skills. It helps in sharp thinking, career growth and mental clarity. It is useful for businessman, teachers and consultant, media and public speaking. This stone also enhances financial stability and problem-solving skills. So, as per rashi which stone to wear in which finger, Emerald should be worn on the little finger of the right hand for the best results. Wearing it correctly helps attract success, growth in business, boosts confidence and improves decision-making abilities.

Pearl (Moti)

  • Zodiac Sign: Cancer (Karka Rashi)
  • Planet: Moon (Chandra)
  • Best Finger: Little finger of the right hand / Working hand
  • Metal: Silver
  • Day to Wear: Monday
  • Benefits: Why Wear It? Pearl brings peace, emotional balance and mental clarity. It helps in reducing stress and controlling emotions. This stone is beneficial for people who feel too emotional or moody. It also improves concentration and mental stability, making it good for students and professionals.

Ruby (Manik)

  • Zodiac Sign: Leo (Simha Rashi)
  • Planet: Sun (Surya)
  • Best Finger: Ring finger of the right hand / Working hand
  • Metal: Gold or Copper
  • Day to Wear: Sunday
  • Benefits: Why Wear It? Ruby gives leadership, confidence and fame. It helps in career, success and personal growth. This stone increases self-esteem and ambition, making it useful for people in government, politics and leadership roles. It also provides protection from negative energy and rivals.

Read More: Benefits of Wearing Ruby Gemstone

Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj)

  • Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi), Pisces (Meen Rashi)
  • Planet: Jupiter (Guru)
  • Best Finger: Index finger of the right hand / Working hand
  • Metal: Gold
  • Day to Wear: Thursday
  • Benefits: Why Wear It? Yellow Sapphire brings wisdom, knowledge and prosperity. It helps in spiritual growth, education and financial success. This stone is beneficial for students, teachers and people in finance and law. It attracts good fortune and removes obstacles in life. So, as per rashi which stone to wear in which finger, Yellow Sapphire should be worn on the index finger of the right hand for males and the left hand for females to maximize its positive effects.

Read More: Benefits of Pukhraj Stone

Blue Sapphire (Neelam)

  • Zodiac Sign: Capricorn (Makar Rashi), Aquarius (Kumbh Rashi)
  • Planet: Saturn (Shani)
  • Best Finger: Middle finger of the right hand / Working hand
  • Metal: Silver or Panchdhatu
  • Day to Wear: Saturday
  • Benefits: Why Wear It? Blue Sapphire brings stability, discipline and success. It helps in career growth, focus and wealth. This stone is especially powerful for people in business, politics, or long-term careers. It also protects from sudden losses and accidents.

Hessonite (Gomed)

  • Zodiac Sign: Rahu-influenced charts (recommended by astrologers)
  • Planet: Rahu
  • Best Finger: Middle finger of the right hand / Working hand
  • Metal: Silver
  • Day to Wear: Saturday
  • Benefits: Why Wear It? Hessonite removes negative energy, confusion and bad luck. It helps in career, stability and mental clarity. It is especially helpful for people facing delays in success or struggling with unexpected problems. This stone is useful for people in Digital work, politics, law and business.

Cat’s Eye Stone (Lehsunia)

  • Zodiac Sign: Ketu-influenced charts (recommended by astrologers)
  • Planet: Ketu
  • Best Finger: Ring finger of the right hand / Working hand
  • Metal: Gold or Silver
  • Day to Wear: Tuesday
  • Benefits: Why Wear It? Cat’s Eye Stone gives protection, sharp mind and inner strength. It helps in removing obstacles and achieving success. This stone is very powerful for people involved in research, spirituality and hidden knowledge. It also helps those suffering from sudden losses or health issues.

Turquoise (Firoza)

  • Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi), Pisces (Meen Rashi)
  • Planet: Jupiter (Guru)
  • Best Finger: Index finger of the right hand / Working hand
  • Metal: Silver
  • Day to Wear: Thursday
  • Benefits: Why Wear It? Turquoise brings good luck, healing and positive energy. It helps in health, relationships and emotional balance. This stone is known for protecting travelers and reducing stress. It is also good for people in creative fields like music and arts. So, as per rashi which stone to wear in which finger, Turquoise should be worn on the index finger of the right hand to enhance its benefits and attract positivity.

Diamond (Heera)

  • Zodiac Sign: Taurus (Vrishabha Rashi), Libra (Tula Rashi)
  • Planet: Venus (Shukra)
  • Best Finger: Middle finger of the right hand / Working hand
  • Metal: Gold or Silver
  • Day to Wear: Friday
  • Benefits: Why Wear It? Diamond brings luxury, love, charm and financial growth. It helps in relationships, success and happiness. Wearing a diamond enhances creativity, attractiveness and social influence. It is also helpful for people working in arts, fashion and entertainment.

Table on Which Stone to Wear in Which Finger:

Rashi (Zodiac Sign)Ruling Planet Lucky Gemstone (Rashi Stone)Best Day to WearFinger to WearMetal to Use  
AriesMarsMoonga StoneTuesdayRing FingerGold
TaurusVenusHeeraFridayLittle FingerSilver/Gold
GeminiMercuryEmeraldWednesdayLittle FingerGold
LeoSunRubySundayRing FingerGold
VirgoMercuryPanna StoneWednesdayLittle FingerGold
LibraVenusHeeraFridayMiddle FingerSilver/Gold
ScorpioMarsCoral stoneTuesdayRing FingerGold
SagittariusJupiterPukhraj StoneThursdayIndex FingerGold
CapricornSaturnNeelam StoneSaturdayMiddle FingerSilver
AquariusRahuHessoniteSaturdayMiddle FingerSilver
PiscesJupiterYellow sapphireThursdayIndex FingerGold
CancerMoonPearl (Moti)MondayLittle FingerSilver

Guide to Wearing Rashi Stones on the Right Finger

Each finger holds unique energy and is linked to a specific planet, making it important to wear the right gemstone on the right finger for maximum benefits. Here’s a simple guide to understanding as per rashi which stone to wear in which finger:

Index Finger

The index finger is ruled by Jupiter (Guru), symbolizing knowledge, confidence and prosperity. Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) is recommended for men, worn on the right-hand index finger, as it enhances social status and brings happiness.

Middle Finger

Saturn governs the middle finger, influencing discipline and responsibilities. Blue Sapphire (Neelam) is ideal for Aquarius individuals, helping them overcome obstacles. Women are advised to wear it on the middle finger of the left hand to promote success in career and relationships. Other powerful stones for this finger include Coral, Cat’s Eye and Diamond.

Ring Finger

This finger, associated with the Sun, enhances creativity and intellect. Ruby (Manik) is the best choice. It is often worn on the ring finger as it strengthens heart health and eyesight. This is also why engagement and wedding rings are traditionally worn here.

Little Finger

The little finger is connected to Mercury (Budh), which rules communication skills. Emerald (Panna) is the recommended stone, particularly beneficial for public speakers and professionals who rely on communication. Wearing an emerald ring on the little finger enhances clarity and professional growth.


The thumb represents ambition and determination, ruled by Mars (Mangal). Ruby or Garnet is ideal for this finger, best worn in gold to maximize benefits.

Before wearing any gemstone, it’s crucial to energize it for the best results. Follow proper Vedic rituals to activate its power. If you’re wondering, “which stone should I wear?” or “which finger to wear birthstone ring?”, consult an astrologer for personalized guidance.

Want to know more about stones for rings as per astrology? Stay tuned for expert insights!

About The Author

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Manish Jain (Articles: 107)

Mr. Manish Jain, is Chief Certified Gemologist (DG, GG, Graduate Pearl by GIA) at MyRatna. He is running a heritage of 60 years and he himself has a vast experience and serves huge loyal customer base across the globe. As a certified gemologist he has a great knowledge of gems and helps in giving resolution to current questions/problems and in achieving the desired effects by wearing the right Gemstone/ Rudraksha to his clients.
Certified Chief Gemologist Mr. Manish Jain (DG, GG, Graduate Pearl by GIA)

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