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Astrological Properties and Benefits of Natural Zircon

May 17, 2024

‘Imposter of the Centuries,’ a misplaced moniker was given to the Zircon.

In the busy markets of Greece and Italy during the 6th century AD, Zircon was a popular gemstone among the crowd. Their fame continued and in the 14th century, Zircons were traded as Diamonds. Since Zircons can be found in various colours such as blue, green, yellow, brown, purple, and colourless varieties, it was often sold off as precious stones.

Nevertheless, its brilliance continued to charm the world and today it’s one the most trendsetting gemstones favoured by those looking to satiate their modish tastes.

The Oldest Stone on Earth

Discovered more than 2,000 years ago, Zircon is the oldest mineral ever found on Earth! 

You can find them in Cambodia, Burma, Brazil, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Thailand, Vietnam, and East Africa, with most of them mined in Australia. 

Ceylon Zircons that come from Sri Lanka are the most desired variety and are pricier than those from other countries.

Buy Authentic Zircon Here

Properties and Benefits of the Zircon

Zircon is a stone of Venus, the Goddess of love, beauty, luxury, and luck. As per Vedic Astrology, it is highly recommended for the zodiacs Libra and Taurus, based on their natal charts. 

Vedic Gemstones like Zircon should be worn as jewellery that touches your body, such as pendants, rings, or a bracelet. This gem-to-skin contact is essential for the benefits of the stone to reach the body. Zircon has a very high resonance energy, making it very influential over the vibrations of the wearer’s body.

Zircon displays an amazing range of benefits, such as:

  • Manifesting dreams into reality
  • Inviting fortune, fame, and luxury into one’s life and uplifting financial status
  • Instilling great confidence and strength of character
  • Acting as a tool to gain convenience, especially opens pathways for those trying to purchase a vehicle
  • Improving the status of a woman in their personal and professional life, making them important and influential
  • Providing emotional and spiritual balance to those unable to manage or seek them
  • Alleviating those suffering from asthma and dreadful migraines
  • Erasing negativity and deception from within and around the wearer
  • Giving strength to pregnant women and helping with childbirth
  • Amplifying feelings of love and happiness, making one feel content, and satisfied with life
  • Dissolving confusion of mind and giving clarity 
  • Healing fevers and treating epilepsy, abdominal issues, respiratory issues, and muscle cramps
  • Bestowing marital bliss and removing strain causing barriers 
  • Bringing purity, transparency, and wisdom into one’s mind, body, and soul

Zircon is a great way to get the benefits of Diamond without having to splurge a lot. This stunning gemstone could just be the key to unlocking your potential, so why wait?

Buy Authentic Zircon Here

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