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Can I Wear the Cat’s Eye Gemstone With Other Gemstones?


‘The Gem of Ketu’ as it’s known, is one powerful stone. Reflecting a glistening band of light across its golden-hued visage, it holds an uncanny resemblance to a Cat’s Eye.

Cat’s Eye or Lehsunia holds great significance in Vedic Astrology. It is the ultimate stone for combating the Ketu Dasha in one’s kundli. This quality makes it a very powerful gemstone.

Astrological Benefits of The Cat’s Eye

It neutralizes the malefic influences of the planets Rahu and Ketu on one’s life. If Ketu’s Antardasha or Mahadasha persists, this stone can repel its ill effects. This stone is recommended for those who have Ketu in their 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 9th and 10th house.

Cat’s Eye is a luck magnet and pulls in immense wealth. Renowned for its healing properties, the Cat’s Eye tackles leukemia, paralysis, hormonal imbalance, mental stress, backache, arthritis, and many such ailments. It restores well-being and saves the wearer from unforeseen circumstances.

It fends off bad luck, promotes wisdom, and decision-making skills. This stone acts as a lucky charm for those seeking a source of income from horse betting, gambling, or share/stock trading.

Exercise caution, if you have the Kala Sarpa Dosham or the curse of the serpent, then the Cat’s Eye is not for you.

Gemstones That Work Very Well With the Cat’s Eye

According to Vedic Astrology, certain gemstones are aligned with certain planets and zodiacs. Complementary gemstones help each other in boosting the benefits offered by them individually.

The Cat’s Eye holds great potential in itself but if paired with the right gemstone, it can amplify its effects. These are some gems that when worn with the Cat’s Eye can prove to be greatly beneficial:

Yellow Sapphire

When worn with the Yellow Sapphire the Cat’s Eye can endow great relief to a worrisome wearer. It will calm innate fears and help overcome anxieties, especially those that arise from finance.


Emerald is known for its power to provide abundant prosperity. Clubbed with the Cat’s Eye its ability to pull wealth and success increases multifold.

Red Coral

Both the Red Coral and Cat’s Eye are metaphysically hot stones and will light the fire needed to put the wearer’s plans into motion. This compatibility works very well and makes you doubly motivated to achieve success.

Blue Sapphire

2 incredibly powerful stones, they have the ability to build Raj Yoga if they come together. Wealth, success, luck, health, and wisdom will all be attainable in a short span of time when worn together.

What Gemstones You Should NEVER Wear With the Cat’s Eye

While some stones when coupled with the Cat’s Eye can give terrific rewards while others can have truly detrimental effects.
These are gemstones you should steer clear from when wearing the Cat’s Eye because the planets they stand for are not compatible with it.


When combined with the Cat’s Eye, the Diamond can cause your ruin. Together they can make you lose money and lead to financial downfall.


Pearl and Cat’s Eye share contradictory properties. Pearls are cooler and calming, while the Cat’s Eye is hot and zealous. Mixing them would result in energies that would cancel each other out.

Hessonite Garnet

Bringing the Hessonite Garnet and the Cat’s Eye together on the same finger can attract a series of bad luck and unfortunate events in one’s life. It’s best to avoid this combo.

To find the perfect gemstone for you, take our Free Gemstone Consultation Here.

About The Author

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Manish Jain (Articles: 109)

Mr. Manish Jain, is Chief Certified Gemologist (DG, GG, Graduate Pearl by GIA) at MyRatna. He is running a heritage of 60 years and he himself has a vast experience and serves huge loyal customer base across the globe. As a certified gemologist he has a great knowledge of gems and helps in giving resolution to current questions/problems and in achieving the desired effects by wearing the right Gemstone/ Rudraksha to his clients.
Certified Chief Gemologist Mr. Manish Jain (DG, GG, Graduate Pearl by GIA)

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