The Goddess herself, in her divine form, resides as Lakshmi in the homes of virtuous souls, as poverty in the homes of sinners, as wisdom in the hearts of the pure-hearted, and as faith in the lives of good men. In the family deity, she manifests as shyness. We all bow down to that supreme Bhagwati. Oh Paramba, we pray to you for the welfare of the entire world. Remedies for Sharadya Navratri and Navratnas of 12 zodiac signs 2024 are especially powerful during this sacred time. Navratri is considered the most auspicious period to invoke the primal power of the Goddess.
In the Indian calendar, there are four Navratris in a year: nine days from Pratipada to Navami of the Shukla Paksha in the months of Chaitra, Ashadh, Ashwin, and Magh. Among these, two Navratris are secret (Gupt Navratri) and two are celebrated openly. The Chaitra festival is known as Vasantik, while the Ashwin Navratri is celebrated as Sharadya.
या श्रीः स्वयं सुकृतिनां भवनेष्वलक्ष्मीः, पापात्मनां कृतघियां हृदयेषुवृद्धिः।
श्रद्धा सतांकुलजन प्रभवस्य लज्जा, तां त्वां नताः स्म परिणालय देवी विश्वम्।।
In the precious and divine book of world literature ‘Soundarya Lahari’ written by Aadi Shankracharya, Lord Shiva explain to Maa Parvati about navratri as follows :- ‘नवशक्ति भिः संयुक्तम् नवरात्रंतदुच्यते। एकैवदेव देवेशि नवधा परितिष्ठता’’।।. That is, the navratri is united with nine powers. There is a tradition of worshiping one Shakti every day during the nine days of Navratri. The nine arts (personifications) of Adi Shakti, who is said to be the conductor of the universe, are called Nav Durga.
Navratri Sthapana, which translates to “establishment of nine nights”, symbolizes the nine principled worship of Goddess Durga, also known as Navadurga. These forms represent different positions of the divine feminine energy including power, compassion, wisdom and strength. It symbolizes the victory of Goddess Durga over the demon Mahishasura, symbolizing victory over evil.

This festival falls in the Hindu month of Ashwin, which corresponds to September-October in the Gregorian calendar. It is a unique time when devotees come together to celebrate and seek blessings from the Goddess. This year, Navratri sthapna will start from 3rd October and end on 11th October.
Ghat Sthapana: The celebration begins with holy water and is decorated with mango leaves and coconuts. It symbolizes the presence of the Goddess in the house.
Prayers and Fasting: Devotees fast during these days to seek the blessings of the Goddess and engage in prayers and meditation.
Dandiya and Garba: In many areas people come together in the evening for traditional folk dances like Dandiya and Garba. These energetic dances symbolize the joyous spirit of Navratri.
Kanya Puja (worship of young girls): On Navratri, young girls are worshiped as goddesses. This ritual symbolizes the divine feminine energy.
Navratri, a nine-night Hindu festival dedicated to the worship of the divine feminine power, has great spiritual significance for millions of devotees around the world. Vedic astrology also has a tradition of gems known as Navaratnas (nine gems), each gem being established by a specific planetary influence. It is believed that these gemstones create positive energy and balance in the life of the wearer. Here we know about the importance of wearing or donation of Navratna gems during Navratri every nine days, as per Vedic astrology and the twelve temples.
Navratnas of 12 zodiac signs
Day 1: Pratipada, Date: 3 Oct, 2024 – Maa Shailputri
- Gemstone: Pearl Gemstone(related to Moon)
- Zodiac: Cancer
- Importance: Pearl promotes emotional balance, mental peace and harmonious relationships. It is known to enhance intuition and receptivity.
- Mantra: ॐ देवी शैलपुत्र्यै नमः “Om Devi Shailputryai Namah”
- Online Store to purchase Pearl Gemstone
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Day 2: Dwitiya, Date: 4 Oct, 2024 – Maa Brahmacharini
- Gemstone: Coral Gemstone (related to Mars)
- Zodiac: Aries and Scorpio
- Importance: Coral is considered to enhance courage, physical vitality and determination. It is often worn for protection and energy.
- Mantra: ॐ देवी ब्रह्मचारिण्यै नमः “Om Devi Brahmacharinya Namah”
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Day 3: Tritiya, Date: 5 Oct, 2024 – Maa Chandraghanta
- Gemstone: Diamond (related to Venus)
- Zodiac: Taraus (Taurus) and Libra (Libra)
- Significance: Diamond is associated with love, beauty and creativity. It is believed to improve relationships and attract positive energy.
- Mantra: ॐ देवी चंद्रघंटायै नमः “Om Devi Chandraghantaayai Namah”
Day 4: Tritiya, Date: 6 Oct, 2024 – Maa Kushmanda
- Gemstone: Ruby Gemstone(related to Sun)
- Zodiac: Aries and Leo
- Importance: Ruby enhances self-confidence, leadership qualities and creativity. It is believed to bring success and fame to the wearer.
- Mantra: ॐ देवी कूषमाण्डायै नमः॥ “Om Devi Kushmandayai Namah”
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Day 5: Chaturthi Date: 7 oct, 2024 – Maa Skandamata
- Gemstone: Emerald (related to Mercury)
- Zodiac: Gemini and Virgo
- Importance: Emerald enhances communication skills, intelligence and analytical abilities. It is known to promote clarity of thought.
- Mantra: ॐ देवी स्कन्दनातायै नमः॥ “Om Devi Skandanataayi Namah”
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Day 6: Panchami, Date: 8 Oct, 2024 – Maa Katyayani
- Gemstone: Yellow Sapphire (related to Jupiter)
- Zodiac: Sagittarius and Pisces
- Significance: Yellow Sapphire is believed to bring wisdom, prosperity and spiritual growth. It is known for its.
- Mantra: ॐ देवी कात्यायन्यै नमः॥ “Om Devi Katyayanyai Namah”
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Day 7: Shashthi, Date: 9 Oct, 2024 – Kalratri
- Gemstone: Blue Sapphire (related to Saturn)
- Zodiac: Capricorn and Aquarius
- Significance: Blue is known for discipline, focus and protection. It is believed to bring clarity and peace.
- Mantra: ॐ देवी कालरात्र्यै नमः॥ “Om Devi Kalratriai Namah”
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Day 8: Saptami, Date: 10 Oct, 2024 – Maa Mahagauri
- Gemstone: Hessonite (related to Rahu)
- Zodiac: Aquarius and Scorpio
- Significance: Hessonite is believed to remove obstacles, enhance intuition and protect from negativity.
- Mantra: ॐ देवी महागौर्यै नमः॥ “Om Devi Mahagauriai Namah”
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Day 9: Ashtami & Navami, Date: 11 Oct, 2024 – Maa Siddhidatri
- Gemstone: Cats Eye (related to Ketu)
- Zodiac: Pisces and Sagittarius
- Significance: Cats Eye is known for spiritual growth, protection and intuition. It is believed that this leads to enlightenment.
- Mantra: ॐ देवी सिद्धिदात्र्यै नमः॥ “Om Devi Siddhidatryai Namah”