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Do economical and expensive gemstones have same Astrological effects?

Do economical and expensive gemstones have same Astrological effects ?

   No. Cheap or economical gemstones can be of two types one is substitute & second is opaque   quality. In both the cases   results will be weak. There is a difference between Gem Stones & only   stones. Stones such as emerald, ruby, sapphires,   hessonite of opaque quality will never give any   kind of desired effects.

    A gemstone of a translucent quality is also expensive, because they give results. However similar  looking substitutes   will not   be effective or much effective in solving any problems. Transparent   quality of gemstones are very expensive &   only a few   percentage of total gem buyers use it in   India now a days. Due to availability of treated stones/ synthetics/   colored glass/   doublets/ triplets   many gemstone dealers or astrologers tend to buy the above mentioned items & sell   as   gemstones which   don’t give any astrological results. It is done just because clients are unwilling to   invest money in   real gemstones.

Correct analysis/Accurate Gem Recommendation, right Natural Gemstone and timely Gemcare are the criteria for right Astrological results..

  A treated turquoise is sold at 100 Rs per ratti where as untreated turquoise commands a price of 3000 Rs ratti. A   treated   Yellow sapphire is sold at 1500 rs ratti & untreated yellow sapphire commands a price of 1 lakh Rs a ratti. The   question is who   is willing to spend what on a quality gemstone. Results will be as per the investment made in a gemstone


Your question is wrong. Basically economical/cheap stones are equally valuable in terms of astrological benefits as costly ones, it depends what you need. Sometimes you get better results with a cheaper gem than costly one. Whenever you wear a gem, both of you (you and gem) should be equally suitable to each other. Sometimes your planet need little favor and there cheap stone will work better than costly one. In that case you will not match with any costly stone.

Nothing in this world is without a cause. But our problem is that we valuate everything in terms of money.

These gems called Upratna in astrology and their price is effectively very low. These Upratna take years of time sometime for showing results. And sometimes they show their results in small lots not full flash. And also you have to wear big size of these Upratna as compare to Precious Stones.

So it's up to your budget and need. But I Suggest don't push yourself for precious stones. if there is any medical emergency than only you can take support of good quality stones.

Another key point is to tell that if you think by wearing any Stone you will get something or something than its wrong interpretation too. By using energy of stone you can expand your consciousness by which you can observe your life better and pay attention to your weak or strong areas.

Moreover there are certain astrological conditions in which they are used. For example if saturn is a strong karak planet in your horoscope but it is weak, then you need blue sapphire. But if you need little favor for saturn and your saturn is sitting in leo or aries, then amethyst is more suitable for you than blue sapphire.

Last but not the least cheap stones are good options for those who want to wear gems but can't afford costly ones.

Gems are really helpful for betterment of attention, by which you can get things. So sometimes it's possible that you got attention by Gem but don't work there and not get some good material results.

You may get a low quality gem or a duplicate / fake gem for more money and may buy a High quality gem for much less than what its actually worth..

Cheap and expensive is not the factor which influences the effect of a Gem.

It’s the quality of the GEM which determines how well it will work for the wearer.

The effect & powers of a Gem is directly proportionate to the quality of a Gem. Higher the quality, better will be the results. High quality gems are generally expensive than low quality gems. Which is why, they are cheap.

If you are talking about precious stones like emerald, yellow sapphire, ruby etc, those have to be natural and not at all non-heated, non-color treated in labs. They work wonders. Now it depends on sellers. Some do sell heated gems in expensive prices claiming it to be 100% natural. The natural rocks are with inclusions and stone may not be very transparent. As it is finished more in mines, it comes out very clear and with lesser inclusions so it is expensive. Now as you asking about results, depends upon which rock you wearing. A natural gem in less price and more inclusions will be beneficial for you however the natural one with less inclusions will be faster in giving results as gems have a cosmic color. As light passes through rocks and syncs with our energy point and balances it. Which is why, We suggest to buy it from your trusted seller or a therapist only.

So, cheap gems give no or slow results, & Higher quality (higher priced) gems will work better and faster.

So make sure you don’t buy from anywhere and everywhere. Buy from a place where people know what they are selling and have a guarantee for genuinity/ authentic gems



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