The Yellow Sapphire is ruled by Jupiter, the largest and most powerful planet in Vedic astrology. The wearer must ensure that Jupiter is favourable to their Kundli (birth-chart) to reap the full benefits of this gemstone.
The Pukhraj Ratna is highly recommended for the following zodiac signs:
Other zodiac signs that can wear the gemstone are Aries, Cancer, Leo, and Scorpio.
Things to Keep In Mind When Buying the Thailand Yellow Sapphire:
The Thailand Yellow Sapphire gemstone bestows various benefits to the wearer. To reap the complete benefits of Pukhraj, the gemstone must have undergone the Pran Pratishtha before it has been worn.
The best date and time to adorn your Thailand Yellow Sapphire jewellery is on a Thursday between 6:15 AM to 7:15 AM and 12:15 PM to 2:30 PM.
It is imperative to buy an astrologically potent gemstone from a certified dealer to ensure a good quality Pukhraj that is administered rightly to the wearer. Dull, lusterless, or flawless but artificially lab-grown gemstones can be cheaper but do not provide the same benefits as an authentically sourced gem.
Beware glass-filled Thailand Yellow Sapphires. They may look shiny but they circumvent the divine power of the gemstone, rendering them weakened or useless.
The best-quality Vedic gemstones are naturally sourced with minimum treatment and a good cut. There is advanced Vedic science to understanding the best cut for the wearer.
Natural, adequately clear, well-cut Pukhraj that is neither diffused nor enhanced is the best perfect one to choose.
Natural Thailand Yellow Sapphire gemstones are priced between the range of Rs.1,000 per carat to Rs.20,000 per carat, depending upon the above factors.
Astrological benefits of the gemstone are dependent mainly upon the intensity of the clarity, the cut, and the color of the gemstone.
When purchasing a Thailand Yellow Sapphire gemstone, always adhere to the 3 C’s rule of thumb. This universal rule to decide the quality of any gemstone will help you discern the perfect Vedic gemstone from the low-quality substitutes.
The 3 C’s of Quality are: Cut, Color, and Clarity
Often misunderstood to be the shape of the gemstone, cut generally refers to the sides on the surface of the gemstone. The outer shape doesn’t matter as much as the technique of the various cuts placed on the gemstones so that it may allow the light to pass and reflect in a way that is characteristic of every cut. An emerald cut will reflect light differently than a princess cut.
The main aim of a cut is to enhance the brightness of a gem and make it shine to the fullest.
The Thailand Yellow Sapphire comes in various shades of yellow. It ranges from greenish-yellow to deep orange-yellow although the preferred shade is a medium vibrant canary shade or a light champagne color.
The color that is highly recommended from a Vedic astrological point of view is the deep golden yellow color without any traces of orange in it.
The clarity of any gemstone depends on how clearly one can see through it. Hazy gemstones indicate impurities in the stone. Although, only man-made synthetic gemstones can be flawless. Natural gemstones will always contain traces of imperfection.
Thailand Yellow Sapphire gemstones are considered a good choice as they are almost completely clear to the naked eye i.e. ‘eye-clean’. They cannot be free from inclusions and crystal or feathers are the ones typically found in natural Thailand Yellow Sapphires.
The Pukhraj falls under the corundum mineral family of gemstones. Gemstones under this category come in various resplendent colors such as yellow, blue, red, purple, orange, and green. The variation in these colors can be attributed to the presence of elements such as iron, titanium, chromium, copper, or magnesium found in gemstones.
The element that gives this gemstone its characteristic yellow tinge is trace amounts of iron. The higher the content of iron, the deeper the hue and color.
It is important to authenticate and verify the specifications of the gemstone you are looking to purchase. In the case of Thailand Yellow Sapphires, be careful about selecting irradiated gemstones only. Yellow sapphires that are enhanced through low-level radiation lose their color over time and fade away due to heat and exposure.
Remember, the best clarity grade for Thailand Yellow Sapphires is ‘Perfection’ which is followed by VVS (Very Very Slightly included) and VS (Very Slightly included) grading.
Properties of the Thailand Yellow Sapphire:
Chemical Composition: Aluminum Oxide
Crystal System and Class: Trigonal
Crystal Habit: Prismatic
Hardness: 9 on Moh’s scale
Specific Gravity: 3.99 to 4
Refractive Index: 1.768 - 1.772
Origins: Srilanka, Thailand, Burma, Afghanistan, Australia, Cambodia, China, Columbia, India, Kenya, Nepal, and Vietnam.
Here are some Frequently Asked Questions that most of our buyers enquire about:
Yes, although, here are a few points you must consider before buying the Thailand Yellow Sapphire:
When considering to buy any Yellow Sapphire, keep these things in mind:
Here are a few points you should consider before buying the Thailand Yellow Sapphire:
The Yellow Sapphire is known by many names such as Pushyaraga (Sanskrit), Pukhraj (Hindi), Kanakpushyaragam (Kannada), Peeluraj(Gujarati), Jard Yakoot (Arabic), Asper (Persian), Saphir Jaune (French), Kitrino zafeiri (Greek).
Here are some fun facts about the Thailand Yellow Sapphire:
The Thailand Yellow Sapphire is also used in Color Therapy and Charka Healing as it: