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How to reap maximum Astrological benefits from a Gemstone ?

The gemstones have different color and luster and Sun being the source of all energies and it also affect human beings. In science, there is a prism, when we see the sunlight passing through, it converts the sunlight into 9 colors in which 2 colors are invisible-UV (ultra violet) and IR (infra red).Thus the spectrum of nine colors is understood to be the cosmic matrix and is very essence of nine planets. These colors are very similar to the gemstone colors. The nine planets are associated with these colors. The surprising fact is that the wavelength of these colors is very similar to the ones in gemstones.

The gemstones can be compared with the way modern medicine employs to remove the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body. For example green vegetables are prescribed to remove the deficiency of vitamin A and iron and Sun bath is suggested to correct the disturbances in the level of vitamin D. Similarly gemstones are suggested to remove the deficiencies in the influence of particular planet.

Every gemstone has the power to draw energy from its respective planet and channelize it into the wearer's body. The gemstones prove very helpful in exerting its influence in miraculous ways.

A suitable gemstone can ensure focus and concentration, create wealth, beget career gains and give you a reservoir of strength to counter the ill-effects of malefic and adverse planetary periods.

If a planet is weak but favorable, you need to strengthen it by using a gemstone for more benefit.

As per the Indian System of Astrology the 9 planets or the Navagraha have a profound impact on our lives. Each of these planets have been allocated some gemstones and each gemstone has special properties and characteristics.

Here we are mentioning the 9 planets and their associated gemstones.

Please note that The Sun and The Moon are luminaries and Rahu and Ketu are just points on the moon. However in Astrology they are considered as Graha Devtas-Planetary Deities so please do not take this discussion into Astronomy or Science etc. I am stating brief benefits also

Sun          : Ruby, Red Spinel, Red Garnet - Power, Name, Fame.

Moon      : Natural Pearl, Moonstone - High EQ, Peace and calm

Mars        : Red Coral, Carnelian -Energy, Vitality, Courage

Mercury  : Emerald, Peridot -Intelligence, Wit, Communication

Jupiter    :Yellow Sapphire, Yellow Topaz, Heliodor - Wisdom, Grace and abundance

Venus      : Diamond, White Sapphire - Style, beauty, Luxury, Riches

Saturn     : Blue Sapphire, Iolite, Amethyst - Decision Making, Determination, Discipline.

Rahu        : Hessonite Garnet - Freedom from fear and confusion and protection

Ketu         :Cats Eye -  Courage, Refined spirituality and divine knowledge.

These are some important benefits. Each Gem has several other benefits and it also depends on the planetary positions in the horoscope.

Gemstones have a special significance in Vedic astrology. Gemstones are used from ages of ages to liberate the problems cussed by planets. People holding these gems are benefiting them in every area of life even if progress in Business, education, illness act gems are very important in vedic astrology. Now a days from the Bollywood to industrialist everyone is taking advantage of gemstones.

According to Vedic astrology only natural gemstones can give the benefits and  our 9 planets represent, the 9 special gemstones.

Well, if the gemstone is worn with correct wearing method and is suggested by astrologer according to your horoscope then, it will definitely benefit you.

A suitable gemstone is believed to bring good luck and fulfill the dreams of its wearer.

If someone is going through miserable times, then gemstones can help to combat them and are considered to be one of the simplest and effective astrological remedies. However, the suitability of a particular gemstone varies from person to person. While one gemstone can be extremely beneficial for one person, it can have some drastic adverse effects on another. So, it is important to know which gem suits you before you plan to wear one. Although there are several factors which determine that which gem is suitable for which person and one of them is Zodiac sign. Know which gemstone will work for you according to your Zodiac sign.

How to decide on a suitable gemstone?

There is a straightforward basis to wear the specific gemstone which will increase the effect of the beneficial planet as per your horoscope. The carefully chosen gemstone will maximize the positive impact of the particular planet. On the flip side, if there is an error in reading and analysis and you wear the gemstone pertaining to the malicious planet then it may negatively affect your life events. That is why it is suggested to be very careful in seeking the advice about the selection of the gemstone. It is essential to have accurate information on the time to wear a specific gemstone.

It is important to know about the correct gemstone that you should wear and it can be determined after the careful analysis of one’s Horoscope. You can Talk To Astrologers at MyRatna and get accurate information on which gemstone will benefit you the most.

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