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How to receive benefits from Astrology?

How to receive benefits from Astrology ?

So, you want to know if there's a valid reason to get better acquainted with your horoscope. Is studying your Astrology birth chart worth your time and energy? What, after all, is the payoff? I mean, Astrology is a complicated and ancient language! Any attempt to seriously learn it requires commitment. Why bother? What's in it for you? You've come to the right place for answers.

Famous supporters

  • We are unapologetically pro-Astrology. We  happen to believe that it should be taught in all universities the way it was "back in the day." During Queen Elizabeth the First's reign, she declared that all surgeons and lawyers also needed to be practicing astrologers. The Queen was no fool!
  • In the late 17th and early 18th centuries Astrology was taught in several well respected universities across the world. Good old JP Morgan Chase stated that "Millionaires don't use Astrology, billionaires do." Would you dare to disagree with Mr. Moneybags?
  • Hippocrates professed: "A physician without knowledge of Astrology has no right to call himself a physician." Historical figures from Galileo to Benjamin Franklin and Carl Jung knew how important studying their birth chart and the birth charts of others were. We can tell you that you are most definitely in good company if you decide to pick up your horoscope and take a deeper look.
  • You might already be familiar with Astrology as a predictive tool that can help you learn more about the planetary cycles you're under, which may affect you in money, love, family, career or just about anything else you're curious to know more about. Without question, no other divination tool is more precise in its capacity to zero in on timing for major life events.

What can you learn from your Astrology birth chart?

  • But what about the birth chart itself? What's the point in knowing that Mars is square your Neptune or that Uranus makes a trine to your Venus, which is conjunct your MC? Does it really matter that Pluto is conjunct your Ascendant? Why trouble your brain with all of this complicated astro babble?
  • Well, what if I told you that Astrology is the most comprehensive way to uncover who you really are and who you're meant to become? Astrology is a natural companion to psychology. If psychology is defined as the study of the soul, then Astrology is the study of the soul through the language of the stars.
  • Deep inside your birth chart lays the secret code that will unlock your psyche and all of its potential. A thorough analysis of your chart will help you understand not only your talents, but also your short circuits. We all have them. Those not-so-nice qualities that tend to emerge when we're stressed out, anxious or trying to avoid something. Astrology can help you pinpoint your Achilles heel, as well as your glory. What's more, studying your birth chart can help you transcend your weaknesses and maximize your strengths.
  • When you consider this, it soon becomes apparent that the benefits to studying your horoscope -- or anyone else's -- are priceless. For starters, you will appreciate what really makes you and those you love tick. What do you need more than anything else in the world to feel safe? Study your Moon for answers. How do you express love and what are some of your natural talents? Study your Venus. What do you look for in a partner? The answers are in your 7th House of Partnerships, any planets contained therein and by studying the ruling planet of your 7th House. Whatever your question might be, Astrology can help provide answers more illuminating than you ever imagined.

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Your birth chart can improve your relationships

  • In addition, studying the Astrology birth chart of a loved one will undoubtedly help improve your relationship with them. Why? Well, if you have a tool that helps you understand how that person tends to operate within, then it naturally follows that you'll empathize with their tendencies -- even if you don't agree with or share them. This will lead to an improvement in your relationship instantly! Same goes for you. Studying your own chart will undoubtedly help improve the relationship you have with yourself!
  • I'm fond of scouring the birth charts of my family, friends or colleagues whenever we experience patches of conflict or when I'd like deeper insight into their behavior. Not only do I see what their natural patterns are, but I can also compare my chart to theirs and discover how my own energy might not always harmonize with how they're naturally suited to express themselves. This realization puts it all in perspective when I am angry, upset or confused about any relationship.
  • As you can see, the benefits of studying your birth chart are incredibly rich and multi-dimensional. Astrology can provide razor sharp insight into the human condition in the most instant, on-target way. Why wouldn't you want to get your hands on a tool that allows you to look deeper into yourself than years of psychotherapy? From my perspective it's a total no-brainer.

 What Astrology Can Do For You

What Astrology Can and Can Not Do

  • Astrology can be used to help you in many ways. It can reveal damaging behavioral patterns or forewarn you of upcoming challenges. It can help you pinpoint latent talents you may possess and provide you with specific hints on how to best develop them. Astrology can also point out expansive, rewarding trends that are coming up and assist you in figuring out how to take advantage of them before they fade. Finally, astrology is an excellent means to determine the perfect timing for certain actions.
  • The beauty of astrology is that it will help you to always be in complete control of your life. Astrology is not fortune telling: but it is a recognition that we have free will. We know we are not controlled by the planets, but the planets do create a certain atmospheres of constriction or ease, that keeps us on our toes. Alas, you cannot blame the planets and say, for example, “Saturn made me do it!” The few times I have said this to an audience, most people laugh—it does sound funny.
  • The planets work to help us help ourselves. By applying pressure, planets help us to overcome inertia. At other times, they help us to see unproductive or even self-destructive behavior that we may have never noticed before but that we can fix. Astrologers believe we must be accountable for our actions and to recognize that we do have choices. The study of astrology will help you sort out all your options and to act at the proper time.
  • When you are going through a hard time, astrology can give you hope because you will know when the cosmos will give you a hand to get you back on your feet. When you know you’re due for some good fortune, you will have time to prepare so you can position yourself to benefit from it.
  • To make astrology work for you, you will need to show the universe your intent and be willing to roll up your sleeves and work. Nobody said life would be easy all the time, but it can be quite an adventure. That we promise.
  • Short-term trends are activated by new moons and full moons and by the inner or “personal planets”—Venus, Mercury and Mars—that circle close to the Sun. Longer trends are activated by eclipses and by the movements of the outer planets—Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
  • Astrologers believe in the maxim As Above, So Below. By that I mean there is a direct relationship between the activities of the planets and human activity on earth. Most people see a relationship between full moons and human behavior; astrologers just see this phenomenon in much greater depth and detail. We are not sure why astrology works but we are certain there is a connection. There are many theories as to why, but science does not admit that there are forces in the universe that we still do not fully understand. It is possible that in the future we will discover why astrology works.
  • As we study astrology we have concluded that the universe wants us to succeed. Full moons bring debris to the surface so that we can see it and sweep it away. New moons bring the right conditions to plant new seeds. Certain aspects bring feedback and a chance to correct our courses. Other aspects bring obstacles to test our resolve and allow us to recommit to our goals with greater determination. Still others bring opportunities to help us move forward or bring rewards to make us realize that our hard work has been worthwhile after all. Blessings are often disguised as challenges and it is up to us to recognize them for what they are.
  • Good energy always attracts more good energy. If you act courageously, prepare thoroughly, work passionately and are honest and ethical, you will overcome obstacles and ultimately achieve your dreams. If there is anything I want to impart to you it is this: life rewards action.
  • Make decisions not out of fear but out of conviction. Sometimes the line dividing the two is thin, but it is an important one. Also listen to your intuition, even if you have no reason to believe it is right. Your intuition is the voice of your heart and it will protect you. You can hone your intuition by paying attention to it, trusting it and using it. Finally, take your goals seriously and others around you will too.
  • Dear reader, you will be limited only by your imagination. If you open your mind and ask lots of questions, even more information will be revealed to you. Cast a wide net and then consider all of your options—astrology will aid you in the process.
  • When you begin to solve your problem by deciding on a course of action, you will probably only think of the most obvious solutions at first. This is not unusual. However, if you stay with the problem-solving process, more original and creative responses will emerge as you go along. These new ideas, conceived after hard thinking and working with your horoscope, often are the truer ones because they do not represent knee-jerk reactions. In fact, these solutions may be the best ones for you!
  • Astrology is also valuable in helping us form realistic expectations and a clear perspective. Many of our most frustrating disappointments stem from misguided expectations. Sometimes our thinking is too idealistic or muddled, while at other times we feel our problems stem from a miscommunication. It doesn’t matter. Life has a way of giving us the feedback we need to get us back on track. 

How Will An Astrology Reading Help Me?

If you've never had an astrology reading before, you might wonder what all the fuss is about? I mean, what could you actually learn by someone telling you something about yourself if you already know yourself?! Well the answer is a long one. While there are many crafty astrologers out there who can "describe you" before they even meet you - solely based on your birth time - there is a lot more to astrology than character description. For instance, check out this long list of other applications for astrology:

·         Vocational or Career Advice

·         Medical procedure timing

·         Medical information

·         Business timing of product launches, start ups, and negotiations

·         Understanding unconscious motivations driving you from past life experiences

·         Learning what drives your strengths and shortcomings

·         Learning about your vulnerable "blind spots"

·         Timing to buy a new house, move, or start a new job

·         Learning how to better get along with and understand your partner (whether a romantic or business partner)

·         Learn what types of experiences might be amplified by living in a particular city

·         Learn how to best approach difficulties signified by any current planetary movements (transits)

·         Learn how to capitalize the most on opportunities signified by any current planetary movements (transits)

So let's explore some of these benefits of astrological counseling in more detail.

Vocational or Career Astrology

Astrology can help you better understand your strengths and weaknesses, gifts, talents and shortcomings. It can help direct you to the best arenas to make money, sure, but it can also suggest the best arenas for job satisfaction and fulfillment. Choosing a job based on a vocational horoscope is a complex process of analysis that involves taking into account one's character, one's strengths and aptitudes, and what makes one feel happy or fulfilled. All of this adds up to a set of career archetypes or options that work for you. A great career astrologer can point you in the right direction if you're confused, or if you're considering a career change.

Medical Astrology

  • Medical astrology can be used to examine the best dates for medical procedures including surgeries, and also for changing medication. It is tricky for medical astrologers to practice in the United States, because only doctors are legally allowed to treat or prescribe. These same draconian laws also make it challenging for your massage therapist to work things with talking about that lower back pain you're having. But we won't go into politics here. Suffice to say, that your medical astrologer may have to use cryptic language when working with you to "educate you about medical astrology". In the end, you are left with more information that will help you make the best decision regarding any proposed treatment by your primary health care provider.
  • Long ago, we became aware of the best times for surgeries in order to avoid excessive bleeding, and insure a good result. Doctors have lost sight of this information, so it's a great idea to check with a medical astrologer before scheduling a major surgery. Even many scientists are aware of the statistics that more medical procedures run into trouble during eclipses. So check those dates with a VERY qualified and EXPERIENCED medical astrologer. This is your health, so do your research well, and ask many questions before scheduling a reading.
  • Medical astrology can also be of help if your current set of symptoms is baffling your primary care doctors. It's always worth checking in with a great medical astrologer to read the "planetary weather" in case there might be an area of the body that the docs are just not noticing.

Business Astrology

Putting the words business and astrology together is a bit like putting the words scientific and psychics together, right? Astonishingly to many business-minded folks, astrology might be the missing link between success and failure. For instance, did you know that most businesses that incorporate while the moon is "void of course" will not succeed in the long run? Not only that, but there are times when a product launch would be great, and other times during which a great business astrologer will be able to alert you to possible challenges. If you have the flexibility to adjust the launch date, wouldn't you rather wait 2 weeks, if you knew that it would make your launch a success?

Business astrology can also help you get the most out of your team by learning about your own leadership skills. It can help you understand how to best work with co-workers. And it can help you plan the best time to ask for a raise or promotion. Seek out a qualified and experienced business astrologer when you need help in these areas. Don't be afraid to ask for your astrologer's track record with success beforehand.

Past Life Astrology & Evolutionary Astrology

  • Are you aware that we all all unconscious motivations that drive our present choices? A past life or karmic astrologer can help you sort out what may have lead to some of those hard-to-change habits and repetitive experiences. Brian Weiss, the famous MD and past life regression therapist has case histories packed with successful regressions that lead to the healing of chronic problems that appear to have been related to past life traumas, somehow held in the body and psyche. Understanding what drives these unconscious motivations can create a liberating feeling of freedom, and can connect you with a deeper sense of life purpose.
  • Don't believe in past lives? You don't have to in order to receive the benefits of a past life reading. A branch of astrology called Evolutionary Astrology seeks to help clients by tapping into this deep material and bringing it into the client's awareness. Some say it could be too easy to "make up" past life stories in an astrology reading, and that there is no way to v;2erify the "truth". How can you tell the difference? The best way is to notice how you feel during and after the reading. Does the reading resonate with you? Do you notice changes when you check in with how your body is feeling? Or does it seem to "not fit"? You are always the best authority on the subject, so always run any information through your own system before committing on a new path or a new direction.
  • Again, as with any astrologer, get references and ask what you can expect from the reading beforehand.

Psychological Astrology

  • Most people are familiar with character astrology, or the kind of astrology that describes one's personality. This kind of astrology can be really fun. But just how useful is it? And have you ever thought about how much you're limiting yourself by using personality-based astrology for stuck behavior? For instance, how many times have you said "I'm just that way because I'm a Gemini (or Aquarius, or Taurus...)?" Don't feel bad - we've all done it! But astrology holds a much greater promise: it can help us understand ourselves better so that we can make positive change. This is the domain of psychological astrology.
  • Psychological astrology can help you learning about your vulnerable "blind spots" - those places in your personality or life that always seem to get you into trouble. A psychological astrologer may actually have a therapy degree or credential in addition to astrological training. If you are working with a challenging psychological diagnosis, it is recommended that you seek out someone like this, who is qualified to work with your particular health issue. However, for many folks, a great psychological astrologer with natural counseling skills can provide helpful guidance, insight, and support.
  • Many psychological astrologers will work with clients over several sessions, or longer periods of time, to address complex issues. Change isn't always easy, and it's a good idea to have as much support as you can in the process.

Traditional Astrology

  • Timing is everything. There are many astrological techniques that professional astrologers have been using for hundreds (if not thousands) of years to select the best times for every moment in life - from planting seeds to getting married. Whether you are planning to buy or sell a home, start a new job, have a baby or move to a new city, a qualified astrologer can help you choose the date. Your astrologer may cast what is called an "electional" which is a chart or horoscope based on the projected time of your new endeavor.
  • I once used an electional chart to sell a house, and disregarded my real estate agent's demand to list the house on Sunday. Instead I waited until Wednesday, which was the date my astrologer and I selected as the best date. In fact, this date was so good, she recommended that I be ready for a very quick closing. Boy was she right on target - I found a buyer for my house in 3 days and closed 2 weeks later! Although my real estate agent was still skeptical, he never said another word about it.
  • Ask your prospective astrologer beforehand if they have any success stories about the type of event you are presenting for an electional reading, in order to gauge if they are best astrologer for your situation.

Relationship Astrology (Synastry)

  • Relationship astrology is probably the second most popular kind of astrology - right behind Sun Sign, or personality astrology. However, not many people approach relationship astrology in the most beneficial way. Never let an astrologer tell you who or how to love. You are always the best authority on the matter. We are drawn to people for a reason - sometimes for spiritual connection, and sometimes to learn valuable (and hard) lessons. But most of us can probably think of one of those "hard lessons" won that we wouldn't trade for anything, because it taught us just what we needed to know at the time. We can look back at those partners and thank them with grace. And you never know when such a partner had a karmic debt to you and was actually repaying a favor!
  • So what makes a relationship astrology great if I can't tell when and where I'm going to meet the perfect person? A gifted relationship astrologer will actually describe to you what your partners strengths and weaknesses are, and vice versa, so that you can better work together. A relationship is a partnership - remember?! So in a synastry reading you'll learn how to make the best of the relationship. Every relationship has challenges and ease. You're learning how best to balance the particular mix you have with your partner.
  • By the way, relationship readings aren't just for romantic partners. You can have a synastry reading with any 2 charts - you and your boss, your child, even your pet!

Transit Astrology

  • It's been said a million times, but "as above, so below" accurately describes our relationship with the heavens. Your birth chart or horoscope is a map of the planetary positions relative to the earth at the time you were born. But the planets keep moving! And as they form mathematical angles (remember Geometry?) with the positions they were in when you were born, those angles mark the major events and evolutionary cycles in our lives. Most astrologers will do transit readings or progression readings. Solar return readings fall under this category too. It can be so validating and liberating to find out that the archetypes described by the heavens relate in a meaningful way to your present circumstance.
  • Transit astrology will help you plan for the future. As you know which cycles are coming, you can bring those energies into your awareness and work with them proactively. Many astrologers believe that if you work with planetary energy in a conscious way, you can avoid some of those situations in which it feels like life is happening TO you instead of WITH you.
  • Transit astrology can also be used to describe and predict future events. This is perhaps most interesting in the public sphere, which is called Mundane Astrology. Perhaps the best modern example of mundane astrology is Richard Tarnas' book Cosmos and Psyche, in which transits are examined against the backdrop of modern history in detail over the last 500 years or so. This revelatory book will change anyone's mind about the validity of astrology. And the first section of the book will make an optimist of any pessimistic philosopher. A must read.

Astro*Carto*Graphy or Relocation Astrology

  • Astrology is endlessly complex. One of its newer innovations is Astro*Carto*Graphy, which was synthesized by the late great Jim Lewis. Astro*Carto*Graphy is actually a specific Relocation Astrology technique, which also includes techniques like Local Space. These techniques are all in service to understanding the way a particular location can have an effect on one's birth chart.
  • We tend to have a good time on vacation. But if you've traveled a bit, have you ever felt drawn to a certain place, or found that you really "light up" in certain cities? You may be noticing the energies that can be described by astrolocality, or relocation astrology. In certain locations, you will tend to have more of the experience associated with the planetary archetypes that are enhanced for you there.
  • As you search for the perfect place though, remember you still have a birth chart! You can think of a relocation chart as the permanent transits that you will feel in a particular location. You will still be you even though you may have a "relocated sun in a better position" in Kansas - so don't pack up and move without evaluating your entire circumstance, including your birth chart and current transits.
  • Astrology is an ancient tradition which says that the character and destiny of human depend on the position of the stars at the moment of birth. However, we also believe that astrology allows meaningful and practical changes of every individual in order to improve the quality of life. Astrology supports the existence of free will and rejects superstition and fatalism. It also allows us a more objective understanding of our character, recognition of our talents and potentials, and an opportunity for emotional and spiritual maturation.
  • Many people look at astrology as a guiding thread for a happy and successful life. The earliest records of astrology date back to the Babylonian Empire in the 19th century BCE, when people attempted to correlate events like war and famine with other events they observed in the skies. Then the tradition spread over Greece and Egypt to Europe and the rest of the world.
  • The position of the planets at the time of our birth helps us in identifying the weak or strong areas of our life. Astrology can help us to understand better the events of our past. Besides helping in avoiding strains in marital relationships, business and professional matters, astrology also helps in enjoying good health, prosperity and spiritual advancement. With the help of astrology we can discover what qualities we seek in a partner and how to overcome any disagreement, because we will have a better understanding for different personalities.

Many believe that astrology is a blessing for the humanity, because it has a lot of benefits. Find out which are the greatest 3 benefits of astrology.

1.Better understanding of different personalities

Horoscope can give us an insight into the mindset and the characteristics of people with whom we live. In this way we can better adapt to each other’s strengths and weaknesses and we can also avoid conflicts and reduce the negative consequences of the differences in the characters.

2. A look into the future

Astrology is a divine science which enables us to look into the future. Astrology can show what expects us in the future, what energies lie ahead and when is the best time to take action to accomplish your goals. In this way, if we have at least a basic indication of what awaits us, we can make decisions more easily.

3. Relationship compatibility

Many people believe that studying our astrological chart will tell us which signs we are compatible with. The comparison of astrological charts of two persons can determine their degree of compatibility, whether it comes to romance, business relationships or friendships.


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