How to tell if the Gemstones are working ?
Jyotish gemstones have the ability to impact our karma in a range of ways. Where you are at, karmically and consciously, when you first begin wearing your gemstone will determine the results you experience both immediately and over time. The right gemstones will also give you the ability to move through and neutralize old karma at a much faster pace than you would be able to do without them.
Gemstones amplify the energy of their corresponding planets. This means that they’ll shine light on the houses and signs the gemstone’s planet rules over in your astrological chart as well as the houses and signs that the gemstone’s planet is placed in. We always recommend strengthening your most auspicious planets first and foremost to guarantee the most beneficial results possible from your stone.
If you have an auspicious planet that is healthy and well-placed in your natal chart, the karma you are experiencing with that planet is probably relatively supportive already. Strengthening that planet further with an astrological gem will enhance its naturally positive tendencies – providing a fast track to additional success and prosperity.
Just yesterday, we had a Libra ascendant call us who had been testing a small, humble, 2ct triangular-cut white sapphire for the past few days. Venus is well-placed, in its own sign of Libra, in the 1st house of her Jyotish chart. She tested the stone because she was having difficulties at work, on the verge of losing her job, and feeling unconfident about the financial security of her future. She was planning on returning the gemstone because she wasn’t particularly fond of the cut, but after two days of having the gem around her, noticed such a strong turnaround of events (a return of job security, social support of the people around her, and a significant increase in vitality) that she decided to keep the stone instead. Because her Venus was already quite strong, it didn’t require a significantly large gemstone to correct the shaky karma she was experiencing.
"The Gem went straight to work for her, reinforced by its natural strength in the natal chart."
(You can read more about the best gemstones for Libra ascendants here.)
If you are wearing a gem for an auspicious planet, but that planet is weak in your natal chart (placed in an inauspicious house or otherwise afflicted), sometimes correcting that unsupportive karma requires a little more work before the gemstone’s benefits become apparent. Jyotish gemstones occasionally shine light on inner issues that need to be addressed before the stone’s benefits can really start to show. This can be a little uncomfortable at first but it’s nothing that an increase in self-awareness and a desire for personal evolution can’t fix. Once any growth-inhibiting changes are properly addressed, the opportunity for very significant personal development arises.
We had a client purchase a yellow sapphire a couple of months ago, a Scorpio ascendant with Jupiter conjunct Rahu/aspected by Ketu in her birth chart. She emailed shortly after purchasing the gem, reporting some new mysterious physical irritations in her body. A skin condition that had been dormant since childhood was once again flaring up, her emotions were becoming increasingly volatile, and her sense of spiritual awareness was suffering. After doing a bit of troubleshooting with her, she confessed that her diet had been abnormally terrible in the past couple of months: as a decades-long vegan normally on a strict and specific health food regimen, she had slipped into a junk food and late-night wine drinking habit shortly before buying her sapphire. Jupiter rules her 2nd house (food/drink), and it was as though wearing the yellow sapphire increased her body’s awareness and sensitivity to what she was putting into it. The theory is that the Jupiter gemstone immediately demanded that she correct this behavior by creating an instant intolerance to these newly formed bad habits. She addressed the issue once she became aware of it, and has been on the upswing with great Jupiter-related gemstone benefits ever since.
(You can read more about the best gemstones for Scorpio ascendants here.)
As long as the gemstone you are wearing is Jyotish quality and properly prescribed – meaning it is the lord of an auspicious planet in your chart – the results that occur are virtually always for the best.
Gemstone Recommendation:
By large people tend to wear stone based on their birth month, horoscope or DOB which is absolutely erroneous. One must need to seek the consultation of an astrologer before wearing any stone. The reason why so much emphasis was given to the Jyotish (Astrologer) is by virtue of only he/she can evaluate your horoscope to inform you accurately that which stone will suit you; after properly studying the planetary position of the planets in your birth chart. Astrologer provides you gemstone recommendations as per your birth chart.
As per Vedic astrology, there are nine planets represented by one precious stone on the earth. As per your horoscope, some of the planets will reside in the benevolent position at your birth-chart considered as (benefice planet) and others will align at negative places considered as (Malefic planet).
You must wear gemstones related to beneficial planets otherwise, wearing gemstones affiliated with the negative planets may evoke destructive forces in your life.
So, from this point now it would be getting clear to you that gems work if you take proper advice from a prominent astrologer.
Testing And Wearing Gemstones:
Several astrologers suggest users wear gemstones after a trial period of three days. It is entirely a bad practice; they give logic behind asking their users to wear gemstones after testing it to know whether it suits them or not.
However, they should be aware that gemstones are immensely powerful entities and unfortunately if it does not suit an individual can cause extensive damage in his/her life. Therefore, this practice should be discouraged at all cost.
Only those astrologers who do not have sufficient knowledge about precious stones advise this or those who have no trust in their skills suggest users to test gemstones before wearing it.
This practice can only be justified in the case of blue sapphire gemstone because it is an expensive and quite coercive stone.
Confusion of Ratti/Carat:
People often put up this question to us that whether they should wear gemstones in ratti or carat or “how many ratti stones would be efficient for me”? First, let us understand that ratti is not a standard unit to measure the weight of stones, although carat is the standard unit. So, from now onwards while buying stone, consider carats, not rattis.
The second misconception which prevails among the users that wearing a right weighted stone will be more than enough to solve all their problems. However, it is not true by all means, in fact, besides weight, color, clarity and the overall quality of stone plays a vital part in deciding whether the stone will work in your favor or not.
Treated, Enhanced and Man-Made Gemstones:
All colored stones won’t carry astrological benefits. In fact, almost 90% of the stones or minerals does not pertain any celestial powers. Secondly, there is the numerous stone seller who promptly offers fake or lab-created stones labeling it as natural stones. Suppose, if you purchased any such stone and aspiring for obtaining astrological benefits out of it; so it won’t be possible.
Gemstones only work if you wear them in real essence, means, wearing only real, untreated stones will enroll for you to attain divine powers offered by these stones. Unfortunately, synthetic gem sellers have succeeded in mastering the art of creating fake stones which appear quite identical to real stones.
Therefore, it becomes immensely hard for a layman to distinguish between fake and real stone. Nonetheless, there are several legit gem dealers available online who provides real certified stones such as
Consecration and Proper wearing:
This is the last but most vital step which decides whether the stone will bestow divine powers in your life or not. The proposed stone needs to be consecrated in your name and birth Nakshatra. Apart from this, every stone has its define method of wearing, so must follow that procedure while wearing stones.
Following these steps as mentioned above will enable you to cherish the astrological benefits offered by these precious stones in your life. At last, we would like to conclude by stating that gemstones do work in 90% cases if you follow all the listed rules and procedure diligently before wearing it.