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Planets, Chakras and benefits

Each Chakra (energy centres in our body ) is ruled by a planet and represents the characteristics and nature of the ruling planet. Also responsible for keeping our physical, mental and spiritual aspects in balance.

The chakras represents the solar system and lets have a look at the same:

Mooladhara (root) chakra  - Planet Mars 

          BENEFITS : 

  •     Wisdom and decisiveness in our action
  •     The ability to find the right direction in life and to make correct decisions
  •     Friendly and kind physical strength and action 
  •     Innocence
  •     Pure childlike joy
  •     Sense of direction
  •     Strong connection with earth and life
  •     Physical dynamism and courage 


Swadisthan (naval) chakra - Planet Mercury

            BENEFITS :

  • strengthens our thinking capacity
  • supports our sense of aesthetics and creativity in all fields
  • The ability to understand easily
  • come up with practical solutions to our problems in life
  • intelligence mind power and creativity 
  • Pure knowledge connect the most complex thoughts and difficult concepts
  • serves as a bridge between the spirit, matter and mind
  • rules fine arts and science
  • healthy decisions with clear attention. 


Manipur (Solar plexus) chakra - Planet Jupiter

           BENEFITS :

  • satisfaction, balance, morality, generosity and the capacity to evolve.
  • noble, generous, helpful and virtuous nature
  • gives prosperity and increases everything 
  • good luck.
  • gives us well being in both material and spiritual life.
  • justice, honesty, religion and philosophy
  • can make a person moral, virtuous and honest by birth.


Heart (Anahata) chakra - Planet Venus

           BENEFITS :

  • pure love, compassion, the quality of being a good parent, self confidence and detachment
  • Represents love, beauty, art
  • Creates harmony and beauty wherever it is, makes people feel nice.
  • Gives a person significant beauty, this beauty spreads from the inner nature of a person and reflects on the behavior and attitude of a person.
  • Kindness and sweetness enable us to create positive feelings within people and help us transform them
  • We feel more identified with our spirit as our heart opens.
  • The energy of pure love that is awakened within our heart spontaneously spreads to our surrounding and sparks such feelings within the people around us as well.


Throat (Vishuddhi) chakra - Planet Saturn

            BENEFITS :

  • Helps us feel that we are part and parcel of the whole
  • We experience the feeling of being one with the universe, with nature and with other humans
  • Disciplined teacher - gives us tests in that area of life and helps us improve our weak points
  • It reveals the parts of human character that need to be completed.
  • At times it limits, creates obstacles and makes initiatives useless. Saturn does this so we learn the lesson it is trying to teach. Once we learn and discover our limits, Saturn gives us stability, sturdiness and detachment
  • Governs the ability to discriminate between right and wrong within us
  • Gives us a witness state
  • It helps us to enjoy life while playing our role and witnessing all the tragedies and difficulties like a drama. The earth, the entire universe and planets play a role in this game and put it on stage. 


Third Eye (Ajna) chakra - Planet Sun.

             BENEFITS :

  • Contains the ego and our conditionings
  • Forms our character and sense of being 
  • It forms our sense of identity. We all have different identities that make us unique. Our family, education, friends, world view, the teams we support, etc. However, they are all identities created by our ego.
  • Our ego and conditionings cannot rule over us when our Ajna chakra opens. We perceive our spirit, which is a deeper identity within us
  • Within us we start establishing humility and the fact that we are pure spirit
  • Dominant energy of the sun in the birth chart can make a person dominating, conceited and egoistical. What blocks the sixth chakra is vanity, which makes a person feel superior to others.
  • Apart from this, forgiveness dawns within us as we feel the pure spirit within everyone.


Crown (Sahasrara) chakra - Planet Moon

              BENEFITS :

  • Governs emotions, instincts and our mind.
  • The opening of the seventh chakra helps the chakras within us become integrated with each other and establishes a strong connection between us and the cosmic energy. This integration carries a person beyond consciousness.
  • In astrology the moon defines the unconscious state of our character, in other words, it signifies an area beyond our consciousness. This unconscious state has always existed and it will always exist as it is the all pervading power that encompasses the entire universe.
  • The Sahasrara chakra is a door that opens from our individual consciousness to the consciousness of the all pervading power.
  • A strong moon at the time of birth makes a person sensitive, instinctive, creative, sacrificing, able to understand others and spiritual.
  • The Moon also represents productivity, femininity and developed feelings of motherhood within us.
  •  The personality has a changing nature in a birth chart with a dominant moon because the moon is the fastest to tour the zodiac. The energy it reflects constantly changes and flows.
  • The moon also bestows a strong ability to adapt. 
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