Lapis Lazuli is a semi-precious stone. It is an opaque deep blue or Ultramarine in color with some lines of Golden or Brown color on it and is a metamorphic rock. In ancient times, it was powdered and the powder was used to make ultramarine pigments and was used to do the oil paintings. Its use is dated from around 1341 BC or even before that. In 1341 BC it was used in the funeral mask of the Tutankhamun (1341 – 1323 BC). In many churches and mosques in Middle East Lapis Lazuli in used in the inlays in the interior for the decorations.
It is mainly mined in Afghanistan. Other than Afghanistan you can find it in Russia, in mountains of Peru, Pakistan, Italy, Mongolia, Chile, the United States and Canada.
The word Lapis means “stone” and Lazuli means “sky” or “heaven”. This means that Lapis Lazuli is a stone of/from the sky or heaven. It has got its Hindi name Lajward/लाजवर्त from its Arabic لازورد lāzurd and Persian name لاجورد lājevard.
It is associated with Neptune and Venus planet and works wonders for Saturn with Ketu Planet. It is the Rashi ratna for Sagittarius and the birthstone for the ones born in the month of February.
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It is one of the best stones for the wisdom and truth. It has many other benefits as well. One should wear Lapis Lazuli for the following reasons (Benefits of Lapis Lazuli):
- It is one of the best gemstones for enhancing the truth
- It gives the wearer an enhanced sense of excellent judgment
- It increases understanding in all aspect
- It stimulates wisdom of the wearer
- Helps one find their inner self and helps one to listen to their intuitions
- Enhances the memory of the wearer
- It is associated with the sixth chakra, which provides benefits to the throat and the vocal cords.
- Helps the wearer in treating attention disorder
- Regulates the wearer’s thyroid gland
- Protects the wearer against psychic (mental and emotional) attacks
- Best for the ones who are always in stress, reduces stress
- Harmonizes the inner self knowledge of the wearer
- Enhances the quality of honesty and reveals inner truth
- Helps the wearer in self awareness
- Enhances ones psychic abilities.
- Helps one to express themselves in front of others, which in turn helps in better relationships
- It enhances creativity of the wearer
- It helps with the intuitions which is connected to the opening up of the third eye, which brings enhanced visionary abilities.
- Helps in imagination
- Enhances spiritual growth and health
- Useful for severe headaches, sore throats, varicose veins, cramps, and stiffness
- Very helpful for the ones facing fertility issues
- Helps lower blood pressure
- Helps in insomnia and depression
- Helps one to calm down their aggression
- Reduces anxiety and insecurities
- Enhances concentration
- It is a superb stone for the ones at executive positions, journalists and the ones who are psychologists
If you want to gain the benefits and wants to incorporate this wonderful stone in your life then click here.