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Emerald (Panna)

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Emerald (Panna)

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How to Know if Emerald Gemstone Is Suitable for Me?


This stunning green stone has enchanted many throughout centuries. A favourite of the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra, it adorned numerous of her royal ornaments. There’s no wonder why you might want to acquire one for yourself!

Its fame is widespread for its beauty but the Emerald also holds great cosmic powers within itself. It represents Lord Ganesha and holds incredible healing properties.

So, if looking to wear Emeralds for astrological purposes, here’s what you should keep in mind.

For accurate results, please seek an Astrological Recommendation from an authentic Jyotishi/Panditji.

You Can Get a Free Gemstone Consultation Here

Powers of the Emerald

Panna or Emerald is ruled by the planet Mercury (Budh). Those having this planet in their kundlis or birth charts can strengthen its powers by wearing the Emerald. Hence anyone afflicted with a weak Mercury should employ this auspicious gemstone to strengthen it.

Here are some hidden benefits of the Emerald:

  • Increases memory power and concentration
  • Grants wisdom and intellect
  • Attracts wealth, recognition, and prosperity
  • Invigorates creativity and agility
  • Bestows health on those with skin, mind, and eyesight ailments

Read More: Benefits of the Emerald Gemstone

Can I Wear an Emerald?

Overall, a complacent gem, the Emerald can affect certain zodiacs negatively. If it is not auspicious for you, wearing this gemstone might be counterintuitive.

Although, if you’re a Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Virgo, Capricorn, or Aquarius; there’s good news for you! Emeralds are an excellent choice for these sun signs. It is the birthstone for Virgos and the Rashi ratna for Gemini.

Go for this stone if you’re pursuing education, rejuvenating businesses, or seeking to balance your health and wealth.

Do’s for Wearing an Emerald

An activated Emerald holds the power to dispel the malefic effects of a weak Mercury. To effectively harness its powers, here are some things you should keep in mind:

  • Wear it on the small finger of your right hand
  • Best Day to wear it – Wednesday
  • Best Time to wear it – 5:30 AM to 9:15 AM or 6:30 PM to 8:40 PM.
  • Conduct a Pran Pratishtha to activate it (MyRatna offers this service free of cost)
  • Choose Gold or Silver metal to hold the Emerald for best results
  • Face East or North while wearing the Emerald

Don’ts for Wearing an Emerald

Most of us wear a gemstone for ornamental purposes. But when you’re practising gem therapy according to Vedic Astrology, these are certain conditions when you should avoid wearing the Emerald:

  • Your sun sign is Aries, Cancer, Sagittarius, and Pisces
  • If Mercury is in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, and 12th house of your kundli
  • Natives with Mercury as their Avayogi

Read More: What Stones Should Never Be Worn With the Emerald

How Will I Know the Emerald Is Working?

If worn correctly, you should be able to see the effects of an activated Emerald within 4 weeks or a maximum of 34 days.

Its positive influence will elevate your lifestyle greatly, whether it is via improvement in communication or sending sheer good luck your way.

It’s never too late to get your first Emerald, so why wait?

Buy Authentic Emerald Here

About The Author

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Manish Jain (Articles: 108)

Mr. Manish Jain, is Chief Certified Gemologist (DG, GG, Graduate Pearl by GIA) at MyRatna. He is running a heritage of 60 years and he himself has a vast experience and serves huge loyal customer base across the globe. As a certified gemologist he has a great knowledge of gems and helps in giving resolution to current questions/problems and in achieving the desired effects by wearing the right Gemstone/ Rudraksha to his clients.
Certified Chief Gemologist Mr. Manish Jain (DG, GG, Graduate Pearl by GIA)

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