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Who should wear an Emerald

September 17, 2019

Who should wear an Emerald

Who should wear an Emerald?

Emerald gemstone is unique in its kind. If Mercury is auspicious planet in your horoscope, then wear Emerald Gemstone for your success, happiness, health, wealth etc. Emerald is good for students as it increases memory, Chartered Accountants, Businessmen, Teaching professionals, Bank Professionals, Politicians to a large extent. Good quality Emerald alleviates stammering problem and also helpful in host other of medical ailments like Insomnia, heart diseases, amnesia, asthma, diarrhea, etc.

Can Aries wear Emerald – (मेष)
Ruling Planet – Mars

If Mercury is tenanted by auspicious planet like Moon, Jupiter and Venus or if Mercury is in Gemini or Virgo sign then in special conditions your can wear Emerald.  Otherwise for Aries Ascendant and Sign Emerald is not recommended rather Your lucky gemstones are Red Coral, Yellow Sapphire and Ruby. Wear Emerald only if above special condition is present in your horoscope.

Can Taurus wear Emerald – (वृषभ)
Ruling Planet – Venus

For Taurus Ascendant and sign, Emerald is very useful and most auspicious. Wearing Emerald increases good family support, wealth , improved health , kind nature , increase in liquid assets , money , good intelligence, excellence in education. If Mercury is in Ascendant, in trines or in Kendra tenanted by or seated with Venus, Moon, Jupiter then it is Rajyog Karaka and You can wear Emerald without any hesitation.

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Can Gemini wear Emerald – (मिथुन)
Ruling Planet – Mercury

For Gemini ascendant, Mecury rules two Houses i.e. 1st house of health and 4th house of Mother , Vehicles , Property etc. Emerald is the most auspicious gemstone for Gemini ascendant or sign people. Wearing emerald will boost self confidence , increased money , better health , immunity , increases concentration. If Gemini ascendant or sign people wear Emerald then they are marked by increased health , increased wealth , good yoga for land and assets, vehicles, improved business etc. Your favorable gemstones are Emerald.

Can Cancer wear Emerald – (कर्क)
Ruling Planet – Moon

Emerald is not very fruitful for Cancer ascendant or sign. This is because Mercury rules house of expences i.e. 12th house and 3rd house of unwanted hard work. Besides Mercury has not good relation with Moon in general. However if Mercury is placed in 12th house wearing Emerald will increase your chances of Foreign travel. If Mercury is placed in 3 , 6 , 8 or 12 house from ascendant it causes vipreet harsha yoga in your  horoscope. For proper consultation contact our Astrologer. Your favourable gemstone is White Pearl and not Emerald.

Can Leo wear Emerald – (सिंह)
Ruling Planet – Sun

For Leo ascendant or sign Mercury rules two houses 2nd house ie of wealth,  right eye , family and 11th house of all profits . Natives of Leo ascendant can wear Emerald if Mercury is seated with Sun causing Budha – Aditya Yoga in 2nd or 11 house , or if Mercury is seated with or aspected by Moon , Venus , Jupiter then you can wear Emerald for increased health , good nourished food, increased profits etc. But in Leo Ascendant Mercury is Marak i.e., prime killer.

Therefore other than what is mentioned above you are not advised to wear Emerald. Your favourable gemstone is Ruby for best results.

Can Virgo wear Emerald – (कन्या)
Ruling Planet – Mercury

For Virgo ascendant or sign Mercury is most auspicious planet for all round happiness. If Mercury is in Virgo sign within 15° then it is exalted (Uccha Rashi) & such a person will have broad forehead, broad chest, excellent judgement etc. Besides Mercury being own lagna planet, it will provide you everything including, good health, increased wealth, good family, sound mind, good life partner, delicious food etc. Thus Virgo are recommended to wear Emerald / Panna gemstones after astrological consultation.

Emerald effects as per the Ascendant

Can Libra wear Emerald – (तुला)
Ruling Planet – Venus

For Libra ascendant or sign wearing Emerald gem is most auspicious because Mercury being great friend of planet Venus.  If Mercury is in Venus sign i.e. . Taurus or Libra in 9th house or if Mercury is seated with Venus or Saturn then it is Raj Yoga Karaka. Wearing Emerald will increase your good luck. Such a person having similar combination will be very intelligent , good family , increased profits , people support , handsome life partner , good travel , excellent spiritual understanding. Wearing Emerald will provide opportunity of foreign travel increase in luck , good relation with your Father etc. If Mercury is seated with Venus or Saturn in Gemini sign then it bestows Raj Yoga.

Can Scorpio wear Emerald – (वृश्चिक)
Ruling Planet – Mars

For Scorpio ascendant or sign Mercury rules two houses i.e. 8th and 11th house. If Mercury is seated in 8th and 11th house of its own sign , then you can wear Emerald for long life. For Scorpio ascendant or sign Mercury is not compatible with your sign lord Mars. Therefore above than these two condition your are not advised to wear Emerald. Your favourable gemstones is Red Coral . However contact our Astrologer to know whether you can wear Emerald or not.

Can Sagittarius wear Emerald – (धनु)
Ruling Planet – Jupiter

For Sagittarius ascendant or sign , Mercury signifies two houses , house of marriage i.e 7th house and house of profession i.e. 10th house. If Mercury is seated alone or is with Sun or Jupiter in 7th or 10th house then only you can wear Emerald. As Mercury rules 7th house it Maraka planed of ill health also. Therefore do not wear Emerald. Your favourable gemstones is Yellow Sapphire for all round happiness.

Can Capricon wear Emerald – (मकर)
Ruling Planet – Saturn

For Capricorn ascendant Mercury is auspicious planet for luck. It has two signs Gemini and Virgo and Virgo sign comes in 9th house of luck , travels , good relation with your Father , meritorious deeds etc . Besides Mercury is great friend of Saturn. For this reason you should wear Emerald. If Mercury is with Saturn in Libra sign then it is most auspicious as Saturn in Libra sign gets exalted. So wearing Emerald will fetch you with lucrative profession / business, increased wealth, good money, following own Dharma, spirituality etc.

Can Aquarius wear Emerald – (कुंभ)
Ruling Planet – Saturn

For Aquarius ascendant and sign , Mercury rules two houses namely 5th house of trine and 8th house of life and mysterious activities. Since house is mool trikon sign so you are advised to wear Emerald. If Saturn is seated with Venus , Mercury it is sure sign of elevation in life as causes beautiful Raj Yoga so for this without any doubt wear Emerald. In such planetary placement you will get everything in life , all your desires would be fulfilled. Wearing Emerald ensures good health , excellent learning , good judgement , influx of money etc.

Can Pisces wear Emerald – (मीन)
Ruling Planet – Jupiter

For Pisces ascendant or sign Mercury rules two houses i.e. 4th house and 7th house of marriage. If Mercury is in 4th house or aspecting 4th house  or if Mercury is seated alone in 6th house of Virgo of competitions etc then only you are advised to wear Emerald.

On the other hand Mercury is not auspicious planet for Pisces ascendant or sign. Your favourable gemstones is Yellow Sapphire.

Favourable metals for Emerald Gemstone.

Emerald should be best fitted in Silver, Panchadhatu, Ashtadhatu, Bronze (kansa) for best result and should be worn on Wednesday within one hour of Sunrise on any shukla paksha after Ashtami  upto Poornima i.e. full Moon.

Procedure to recharge Emerald germstone

After your bath , place the Emerald ring in Silver or copper or Ceramic cup . Wash with raw milk , Ganga Jal (Purified Water) with Tulsi leaves (Basil) and light dhoop and Deepak in front of your God or in Sunlight chant Budh graha mantra Om Bum Budhaya Namah for 9 , 18 or 108 times then wear Emerald ring in your little / pinky finger.

For Precise Gemstone Suggestion as per your Horoscope, Kindly book consultation with our astrologer.

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