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How to clean and take care of your gemstone

How to Clean and Take Care of Your Gemstones?

Firstly, do you need to clean your jewellery? Whether you are a regular wearer or not jewellery requires routine care. Over time the gems may get damaged, get scratches, lose...

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Myratna Reviews of 2022

Myratna Google Reviews Hello Everyone First of all we would like to thank each and every one of you who made the year 2022 a memorable one for us. Last...

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5 Powerful Gemstones That Attract Fame, Power, and Success

5 Powerful Gemstones That Attract Fame, Power, and Success

Do you wish to be famous? Sure, being popular brings a lot of perks. Everyone gives you favors and opportunities come flowing. In fact, famous people hold great influence in...

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Cats Eye Gemstone

Can I Wear the Cat’s Eye Gemstone With Other Gemstones?

‘The Gem of Ketu’ as it’s known, is one powerful stone. Reflecting a glistening band of light across its golden-hued visage, it holds an uncanny resemblance to a Cat’s Eye....

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Gemstones Can Be Worn With Emerald

Which Gemstones Can Be Worn With Emerald

One of the most popularly worn gemstones around the world, the Panna or Emerald holds great astrological significance. Vitality and growth are characteristic of this gemstone. Emeralds were first mined...

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5 Gemstones to Boost Your Confidence and Courage

5 Gemstones to Boost Your Confidence and Courage

Sometimes the person holding us back can be us, ourselves. You see these amazing speakers and leaders coming into a room oozing charisma. They’re confident, sure of themselves, and mostly...

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5 Strong Gemstones to Improve Your Wealth Luck

5 Strong Gemstones to Improve Your Wealth Luck

In a post-covid era, the fear of a financial crisis lies just around the corner. Pursuing new opportunities can be very risky. Being ‘broke’ just sounds good on social media...

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5 Best Gemstones for Career Success and Professional Luck

5 Best Gemstones for Career Success and Professional Luck

You’re waiting for that big break but it never comes. Promotion always seems very far away. You just can’t crack that job interview. For the ones on the job, your...

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Gift Your Family This Diwali

Gemstones You Can Gift Your Family This Diwali 2022

Gemstones You Can Gift Your Family This Diwali 2022 Diwali also known as the ‘Festival of Lights’. So why not this Diwali we help our family and friends to brighten...

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Exclusive Gemstone

Blue Sapphire - BBS 9510 (Origin - Thailand) Prime - Quality


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