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Which Gemstones Can Be Worn With Emerald

Gemstones Can Be Worn With Emerald

One of the most popularly worn gemstones around the world, the Panna or Emerald holds great astrological significance. Vitality and growth are characteristic of this gemstone. Emeralds were first mined by the Ancient Egyptians. Its vibrant green colour begets luck, prosperity, money, and health making it a sought-after gemstone. There is a high chance you’re […]

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ज्योतिष एवं होली का त्यौहार 2023

्योतिष एवं होली का त्यौहार

ज्योतिष एवं होली का त्यौहार 2023 बाल भक्त की मनुहार, प्रभु का ममतामई दुलार कष्ट के समय इष्ट के कवच का सहारा टेसू का रंग अपनो के संग भर दे जीवन में नई उमंग, इत्र की फुहार वैमनस्य मिटाए मित्रता बढाए है ऐसा फागुन का त्यौहार । मित्रों उपरोक्त पंक्तियों से यह हमें उद्धृत होता […]

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Top 5 Gemstones for Inner Healing and Peace

Inner Healing and Peace

Top 5 Gemstones for Inner Healing and Peace Notifications keep coming in, stress is through the roof, and meditation isn’t helping because you can’t calm your mind. And yes, even tea or coffee isn’t doing its job anymore. In this technology-driven era, it’s really hard to relax. The mind is constantly running you feel mentally […]

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Exclusive Gemstone

Blue Sapphire - BBS 9510 (Origin - Thailand) Prime - Quality


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