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Should I wear Gemstone ?

January 11, 2020

Should I wear Gemstone

Should I wear Gemstone ?

First thing first, let me tell you why you should not wear Gemstone(s) :

  • you don’t want to know yourself
  • you don’t want to enhance your life
  • you don’t want to be the person you desire
  • you don’t want to vanish your problems from life
  • you don’t want to be healthy
  • you don’t want to benefit yourself of the wealth which can be yours simply by wearing the right Gemstone
  • you don’t want to excel in your field
  • you don’t want to be peaceful and calm
  • you don’t want to gain confidence
  • you don’t want to have harmonious and prosperous relationships
  • you don’t want to identify and benefit from opportunities
  • you don’t want to live by your full, optimum potential. !

Now, simply introspect and check for the above sure benefits which Gemstones can provide and how much you are missing because of any reason (mostly unreasonable) which are based on mis-information or unawareness.

Gemstones are benefitting humanity from the ancient times till date and will continue to do so and Vedic Science provides for it along with Gem-therapy. As per the composition of human being in terms of various integrated bodies such as : physical body, energy body, causal body ; Gemstones have the potential to harmonize and resonate the Aura of the wearer with the desired attribute naturally.

The ones who know the power of Natural Gemstones keep it to themselves because of apparent reason. And the sad reality of today’s Gemstone market keeps the masses from harnessing the power of Gemstones because majority of the Gemstones in the market are not Natural as well as the Gem-recommendation Services are not accurate which minimizes the positive effects of the Gemstones.

Gemstones are known to transform the lives of many people towards their highest potential as after wearing the right Gemstone. Many of them are top Industrialists, Celebrities, Politicians, Tycoons and the list goes on. Only it takes is the : Accurate Gem-recommendation and right Natural Gemstone to reveal its array of benefits to the wearer and that too just by wearing. Moreover, you don’t even have to believe in its working because Gemstones are God’s Gift for human beings and the love of God is towards the living of life by everyone with optimum potential.

Wearing a gemstone according to the Vedic principles and Gem-therapy complements the wearer and scientifically, the energy pattern of the wearer comes into alignment with the optimum potentials that help to unfold the various aspects of life for the greatest virtues and overall well being. The vibrations remove the problems and ushers respective benefits to the wearer.  

Moving to specific desires or wants such as :

Which gemstones should I wear for money ?

Which gemstones should I wear for marriage ?

Which gemstone should I wear for success ?

The Vedic Astrology and Gem-therapy ascertains the accurate Gemstone according to the analysis of the natal chart and the astronomical calculations to harmonize the wearer of the Gemstone with the desired results. Desired results can be as imaginative as possible for the person as the potential of the Gemstones is far beyond the comprehension as since ancient times the Secret and Hidden powers of Gemstones were tapped into for the variety of unbeknownst reasons with due responsibility. It is just to provide you the cue, for the receptive mind will grasp the essence of it and seek forth the magical yet scientific world of Gemstones.

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