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Astrological Benefits and Properties of Iolite Gemstone

A gemstone with a superpower? There have been famous stones in literature and lore with incredible superpowers. The Resurrection Stone from Harry Potter that brought the dead back to life, the Philosopher’s Stone that alchemists believed would turn anything into gold, and the Seven Gems of the Belt of Deltora, each with its own special […]

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Lab Grown Diamonds – A Brief Guide

It was in the 1950s when General Electric (GE) created the first-ever gem quality Lab Grown Diamonds. Today, almost a century later, they’ve effectively managed to disrupt the highly dynamic Diamond industry with their identical appearance, planet-friendly sourcing, and affordable rates. Lab Grown Diamonds are marked substantially lower the average Natural Diamond price, making them […]

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Benefits of Wearing the Natural Zircon

Did you know, Zircon is the oldest mineral to have been found on Earth? Discovered almost 2000 years ago, Zircon’s stunning splendour has been the talk of the town for centuries to follow. Zircons were all the rage during the 1880s Victorian Era when they were preserved as heirloom jewellery to be valued and passed […]

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Horoscope 2024

Horoscope 2024

Hello to all fellow readers & Astrology enthusiast & Gem / Rudraksh lovers. We are providing Zodiac birth sign Predictions of the year 2024 as per Vedic astrology. These are very broad predictions and may not accurately reflect individual experiences. Consulting a Vedic astrologer for personalized insights based on your birth chart and planetary transits […]

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Which Gemstone to Wear This Diwali 2023?

Diwali Gemstone 2023

The Ritual of Gifting is a very big part of Diwali and it brings with it loads of love and luck. With Dhanteras marking the start of Diwali, you welcome Goddess Lakshmi and invite abundance and fortune into your homes. This makes it one of the most auspicious times to buy jewellery made of gold […]

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Remedies for Sharadya Navratri and Navratnas of 12 zodiac signs 2023

Gemstone Navratri 2023

या श्रीः स्वयं सुकृतिनां भवनेष्वलक्ष्मीः, पापात्मनां कृतघियां हृदयेषुवृद्धिः। श्रद्धा सतांकुलजन प्रभवस्य लज्जा, तां त्वां नताः स्म परिणालय देवी विश्वम्।। The Goddess herself resides in the form of Lakshmi in the homes of virtuous souls, in the form of poverty in the homes of sinners, in the form of wisdom in the hearts of pure-hearted people, […]

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Exclusive Gemstone

Blue Sapphire - BBS 9510 (Origin - Thailand) Prime - Quality


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