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Horoscope: 2020 for Aries

Aries Horoscope

According to Horoscope 2020 for Aries, With Saturn, Sun, Ketu, and Mercury occupying the ninth house in your horoscope, you Arians are going to have a great 2020! Rahu in the third house is an additional bonus, for you should find yourself endowed with courage and a spirit of adventure. However, it is important to […]

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रत्न चिकित्सा

रत्न चिकित्सा

एक नज़र  –  श्री मनीष धर्मावत जेम थैरेपी : वाइब्रेशनल हीलिंग “चिकित्सा का भविष्य विकास प्रकाश और रंग के आधार पर उपचार के साथ है।“ – स्टीफन हॉकिंग : भौतिक और ब्रह्मांड विज्ञानी पूरे भारत और तिब्बत में हजारों वर्षों से आयुर्वेदिक डॉक्टरों और ज्योतिषियों ने विशिष्ट रत्न निर्धारित किए हैं। वे पहना जा सकता […]

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Should I wear Gemstone ?

Should I wear Gemstone

Should I wear Gemstone ? First thing first, let me tell you why you should not wear Gemstone(s) : you don’t want to know yourself you don’t want to enhance your life you don’t want to be the person you desire you don’t want to vanish your problems from life you don’t want to be […]

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Relevance of Gem Certificate

Should I wear Gemstone

Gemstones are an integral part of humanity. The Vedic Astrology ascertains the various benefits which the gemstones usher. From health, finances, happiness, love and harmony to self-control, decisiveness, fruitful career, business etc. are some of the advantages of natural gemstones and people from all around the world have gained from them in one form or […]

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दिवाली 2019 के बारे में सब कुछ – रोशनी का त्योहार

दिवाली के बारे में सब कुछ – रोशनी का त्योहार

दीवाली या दीपावली : – रोशनी का त्योहार दीवाली या दीपावली हिंदू त्योहार है जिसे ‘द फेस्टिवल ऑफ लाइट्स ’के रूप में जाना जाता है। यह प्रमुख हिंदू त्योहारों में से एक है या शायद ऊर्जा और भागीदारी के मामले में सबसे बड़ा है। यह दुनिया भर में हर हिंदू और यहां तक ​​कि भारत […]

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Who can wear Pearl Gemstone

Who Can Wear Pearl Gemstone

Who can wear Pearl Gemstone Pearl is known to have a calming effect on mind and known to reduce anger. Also due to its unique beauty, it is very much used in Pearl Jewellery including Ring, Pendant, Necklace, Pala, Bracelet, Earrings,etc.  Owing to this both Astrological and aesthetic significance, Pearl is always in demand. Today […]

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Do this on Diwali, luck will shine overnight

On the night of Diwali all the devotees worship Mahalakshmi and Ganapati and lamps are lit in the house for their arrival. Diwali night is useful in terms of economic prosperity and money gain. Let us know what to do this night so that your luck can shine as well. For Economic Prosperity During the […]

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Exclusive Gemstone

Blue Sapphire - BBS 9510 (Origin - Thailand) Prime - Quality


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